The Candidates

Day 1,107, 08:38 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

With less than 4 days left until eCanada's next presidential election, EPIC will be beginning our nomination process. As usual all members will be asked to send a list of candidates in their preferred order in a PM to the EPIC org. Voting will close before the 3'rd of December.

We have 7 candidates who will be on our ballot. All candidates have posted their platforms on our forums, and have answered all questions that have been asked. If you have any questions you'd like to see adressed yourself, don't hesitate to make a post!
Trenton Rendell
Nea Milosu
Temujin BC
James McNamara

Though a parties endorsement is necessary to be a valid candidate in the elections, it in no way means you're required to vote for a candidate based on the party endorsing them. As always, EPIC encourages citizens to vote responsibly based on their choice, not on other people's. Good luck to all the candidates and as always vote smart and with your heart!

At the same time we're holding a formal vote to end the debate on EPIC's political orientation. Here's a nice little article Etemenanki wrote on the subject.

Are we the center of Canada?

Left, Right, Center. All of these are terms used in real life politics to help us distinguish political parties and their beliefs. In the real life Canada it is quite easy to say that the NDP make up the left, the liberals make up the center, and the Progressive Conservative party represents the right. Many of the things these days that help us determine a political party’s orientation are social things. What has proven to be different in eRepublik is that all of these social things are non existent. No one in eRepublik can have an abortion. No one will go without a job for very long so there is no need for unemployment insurance. You don’t need to set aside tax money for old age pension (we’re looking at you now Coda).

The Government in eCanada can really only spend money on a few things like the military, wars, and advertising. Beyond the thoughts on these issues, there is not much of a difference between the political parties, and most of them have the same view. What makes a party different from another one in eCanada is people that make up that party. Can you trust them, are they more like you than not, do you consider them cool? Ultimately these are the things that make you want to join a party in eRepublik, because they are the most important.

So why then is there a designator beside each party eschewing a political point in the spectrum for them? This is along the lines of the question that was asked a week or so ago by the venerable EPIC party members Nosyt on our forum. Should EPIC (Egalitarian Party of Independent Canadians) be a party that lists itself as being of the Center Left? EPIC strives to be a party that allows everyone within it’s folds to hold their own beliefs, vote however it is they wish, and to do what they think is right. Our only stringent is to do what you think is best for Canada, and to put the people of Canada in mind above all else.

EPIC at the moment is listed as a center left party because of our history of being the CSD, a party that at one point could truly make a claim as being the left wing of the country. (health Canada) Gifts are gone, and while remembering the past fondly is always good for nostalgia it can hold one back from progress. Does EPIC belong in the center since it represents no true belief beyond that which is best for Canada (how more Center can one be with a belief such as that), or should EPIC remain listed as to the center left because that is ultimately what is most popular within Canada, and doubly so on the internet. At the moment we still struggle with this question. What do you think?