The Canadian trip - A step in the good direction

Day 568, 08:09 Published in Canada Canada by Fram

Polar News - Issue # 28

The morning caught me looking on the window and into the street, staring into the empty streets of Ottawa. The phone rang but I ignored it passing from the living room and into the kitchen. The coffee was ready, I usually don't drink coffee this early in the morning but this was not a normal day. I tasted the coffee and put it down, decided to pick-up the phone and answer, the voice on the other side washed away any remaint of sleep I had left in my body.

-Hey Fram, you there? Cesar here!
- I need you at the party today. We need all the members we can get for today's meeting.
-My God Cesar it's 5 AM! Couldn't this wait, I don't know two or three hours?
-Shut up stupid bear (even if I didn't saw him, I knew Cesar let his tongue out of his mouth), you don't even sleep at this hour. Anyway, you will thank me later.
-Whatever Salad!
-Don't be late, get here as soon as possible. (again with the tongue action)
I hang up the phone and looked at the coffee:
- F**k, I never get to drink my coffee!

In about 5 minutes I was out the door and going to towards the party headquarters. Salad was waiting for me at the front door. Once I entered he pulled me away from the crowd that was going towards the hall meeting. Before I realized I was in the Council room. Tom was there, waiting for me the same way you will ever see him, all dressed up, a real Gentleman. He looked up at the door, tasted the tea discreetly and then sai😛
-Ok, good we have, our bear here. Is he up to speed?
-Nope. (again with the tongue, this was getting annoying)
-Well Fram, I want you to do me a favor.
-A favor Tom? What kind of favor?
- I want you to win in the party presidentials.
-The party presidentials? But I am not running for them,
-You are now.

Tom gave a discreet wink while raising from the table. He then headed for the door that leaded into the conference room, stopped in the door and looked at me.
-So are you coming or not?
-What now?
- You have to give a speech now and announce your candidature.
-Who will I run against?
-You will go against Adasko, come on, we don't have all day!

I decided to follow him into the conference room but already I was feeling gutted by emotions.

The story above is not an accurate relation of the facts that took place but just a story you can enjoy. What follows is the real article.

Dear CPPers

It is with great joy I announce that I will go against Adasko in the party presidentials. I want to run for this position so I can have the honor of leading such a competitive team and most of all, I want to win so I can say I changed this family into one that will remain into the New World's History book's.

Most of you know me and know what I can do, most of you know what I will do and what I intend to do for the CPP, for the rest I will put it simple:
1) Focus the party on you, the party is not runned by a President or by a management team, no, the party is runned by a bigger team and that team includes you.

2) Make CPP the biggest party in Canada. With your help we can make this party a better one if you want details either send me a PM or go to the CPP forums

3) Recruit new people into the party and make the old ones more and more active. The party is you

4) Make the parties forum and IRC channel the way for our party to talk, that means you will get messages promoting this ways of communications from me and my staff.

Speaking of staff, I should introduce the people I plan to work with::

Party Vice-President: Cesar Augustus and Adasko
Both are very old in the party, both have experience and I couldn't decide witch one is better so I did the smartest thing I could, I chosed them both.

Director of Public Relations:Eldorino

Recruitment Team, and CMMO Leader : Cesar Augustus
He has been in this position for a while and I like what he does over here.

Congressional Director Fram

Appointed Member - AngryMobMan

Presidential Candidate: This will be the parties choice because I think that you should be able to chose from the various pretenders and make the best one your candidate.

]With your permission i will forwardly post some messages of support from my friends and Canada's friends:

"I like what Fram has said here.

I endorse him as the next Party President."

-Tom Hagen

"I endorse Fram for CPP Party Presidency. I think he is a great candidate. He has experience in many ways of the game itself and has proven time and time again he can be active within the party and Canada. He contributes to congress and many otherthings. Overall I like the way he conducts himself"
- Cesar Augustus

And don't forget: Vote Fram for CPP president
Fram, a step in the good direction