The Canadian Resistance view

Day 631, 07:32 Published in Canada Canada by Alaricus

In response to "eCanada, The Future IS now"


But publications like that, will only divide Canadians, and alienate groups within Canada, that are really only trying to help.

In the article it is suggested, that instead of forming and joining various groups within Canada, Canadians need to rally behind one group together. While I wish that could happen, it simply will not. Canadians are scattered all over the place, some on their own, while others are joining various groups dedicated to bringing Canada back on the map. Instead of abandoning all current Canadian coalitions(Which are organized), the current groups should work together.

I only speak for the Canadian Resistance Movement, because I am not personally familiar with Jacobi(Our current prime minister), and I do not speak for Brucks Canucks, as I am not a member, and have not spoken with them at length.

The resistance's only goal is too take back Canada. If you have not noticed, we only have three provinces. There not trying to create a new group for political gain, the fact is Canada really doesn't have a government at the moment, not a fully working one anyways. I have met and spoken with most of the members at the Resistance, and they are just trying to unite Canada once more. They do not care for being prime minister, or setting up a new government. They are not against joining the Canadian Armed Forces, or any other Canadian group. The only thing in there mind, is to take back Canada, what is rightfully ours! Without Canada, Canadians can't reunite!

They fight in Spain so Canada can live another day. You do realize if PEACE takes Spain, the Allies, Eden, and Fortis will fall, due to the fact there is so much resources there.

If the current Allied Nations Fall, what do you think that means for eCanada's future?

I am all for rebuilding, do not get me wrong. We need to rethink our whole Canadian Infrastructure, politics, Military, and our Diplomatic resolve. We simply need to start fresh, but we can't do that if we do not have Canada in our own hands, simple as that.

Decide for yourselves Canadians, the resistance is not forcing you to do anything, they just simply want to help.

Stay strong Canadians,
