The Canadian Presidential Debate *ABRIDGED*

Day 684, 19:38 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

The debate was a long one (3.5 hours or so) and the transcript is extremely long.
So here is a summery of each candidate during the debate.

[20:00] Sara😨 I would like to welcome every one to the Presidential debate. First off I would like each Candidate to introduce themselves and then we can begin with the questions.

[20:01] WDuncan: Thank you. Everyone here is deserving of this position and I thank them so much. I can't express how hard it is that I thank them, Thank you guys. Also I would pick Power over responsibility any day. The POWERS all mine!

[20:01] jbdvinius: *Objection* You guys all suck. I'm the best I will always be the best CPF/CNC for eva!!!! CSD/CPP fail!!!!

[20:04] Sara😨 Cham?

[20:08] *** Chamrajnagar quit ()
[20:08] *** Chamrajnagar joined #ecandebate

So tomorrow when you log on and see that "OMGZ MY PARTAH SUPPORTING HIM IMMA VOTE HIM!'' stop, research the candidate and vote with you brain.. not your membership card.

-Best of Luck