The Canadian Conundrum

Day 1,147, 18:23 Published in Canada USA by Joe DaSmoe

Canada, a large country with serious potential.

Yet, this country seems to shoot itself in the foot over and over. Shortly before my arrival, the country's accounts were robbed, I don't know the details of that theft, but it has happened again. It seems that Canada has devolved into a broken system of differing ruling factions pitted against one another and corrupt politicians who promise change then promptly steal the citizens money. This stuff goes beyond petty politics, it speaks to the need for great change to this nation.

It screams for a new beginning..........

.......and I have a wild idea.

Lets allow America to attack us, lets actually declare them as our natural enemy. The ramifications of this would be huge both for us as well as our Bros down south. If we allow Canada to go to war with America, the benefits for both could be enormous.

1. Retention, Retention, Retention
As it stands now, Canada only gains about 20 to 30 new citizens any given day. As a company owner here, I have hired several new employees and watched them never log in again. A war, namely a war against the United States, would be a huge attention grabber, and would serve as means to keep people playing.

2. Rank 'em up
If the US is also declared a natural enemy, a bonus would be granted to our citizens fighting in the battles, allowing Canadian to rank up quicker and maintain interest. As a result of prolonged invasion, our soldiers would emerge stronger than ever.

3. Economic boom.
Invasion would create a boom. Constant warfare for home regions of Canada would drastically boost the economy as citizens purchased goods more often to defend the homeland. Canadian companies would profit and then eventually be enveloped into the American economy while we were under siege. When the occupation is ended, our companies should grow more solvent and more ready to compete globally.

4. It would create a super country.
With the U.S. already in control of Mexico, we could merge with America for a while and create the first ever united continent in eRepublik. This would create a powerful super country that would be able to influence world events like never before. Its never been done and could definitely spice up the game quite a bit for us all. Should bring a huge amount of fun to this game.

5. This is a game, not RL.
I understand that many will not like this idea, but I say we should give it a shot. The loss of Canada would give birth to new dynamic for eRepublik and the long term benefits for this country would be immense. After we play as North America for a time and explore new avenues in game created by such a giant nation, I am 100% sure that the U.S. would be willing to work with us to slowly liberate Canada back onto the map.

Lets give this a shot, it sounds crazy, but I'm telling you times of full scale invasion are THE MOST exciting times ever to be had in this game. The long term potential is awesome, all you have to do is take a look at the US pre WW3 vs. post WW3. The U.S. once struggled with many of the same problems Canada is currently facing. After rising from the ashes of invasion, America emerged as a true global influence by taking steps to sure up security and through the dramatic military growth it experienced. Canada will benefit greatly in the long run if we just give this a shot.

Call me crazy,
Joe DaSmoe