The Bull Moose Party

Day 761, 12:01 Published in USA USA by Bull Moose Newspaper

Fellow Party Members and eUSA Citizens,

We have continually emphasized the fact that our party is wholly unlike any other that currently exists in the eUSA – it is completely unique. We have a chat room that allows our members to assimilate into the online community that is rapidly growing into The Bull Moose Party. In order to allow our members to better get to know each other we have created a facebook group which can also serve the purpose of keeping our members informed on important party issues and serve as a tool to remind our members of upcoming elections. Our forum will also allow you to keep up to date on allow matters pertaining to the BMP. If you are not a member of the BMP just yet you can find us [url=
/]here.[/url] Our membership has been steadily increasing, but we need active and dedicated members like yourselves in order to keep growing. To learn more about our party you can read about us on our wiki.


For the Republik,
-Alexander C Kraynor
Secretary of Communications, BMP