The Broken Fuse: 2 [YNC] [pre-V1 Archive]

Day 299, 00:44 Published in Japan Japan by Laurana Psion

Labelling errors at national giant "YNC" and offshoot "ync 2" food divisions resulted in the "YNC" "YaKuZa-X Q3" being mislabelled as the "ync 2" "YaKuZa Q2" and vice versa. This has caused havoc amongst shoppers, leading to an outcry by those who bought the new "Q3"; "Filthy s'wits! My productivity at work fell because of them! If I don’t get a refund, I'm gonna boycott all YNC products! If I wanted Q2, I could have bought Q2 for less than half the price I paid". In contrast, those who bought the new "Q2" were rather pleased with the new improved flavour (which is still unknown), and attribute it to a change of ingredients (unnamed) which have more nutritional value. "It's so good I won’t buy that unpronounceable Venezuelan Q2 import that usually goes for less".

Attempts to get refunds from the Marketplace, global pioneer of shopping without conveniences such as baskets or trolleys, have been futile. They have stuck firm to their infamous 4N policy (No Refunds, No Returns, No Replacements, No 3rd Party Sales or Donations), which incidentally results in them having far less paperwork to deal with. It is still unknown how many wrongly labelled products are still out on the market, and people are advised to buy as many YNC Q2s as they can and hope they get lucky. Word is that YNC will be shut down until the scandal dies over. The market looms on utter chaos. The YNC directors were not immediately available for comment. Inside sources claim that they have fled the company HQ and have gone into hiding for all intents and purposes!

The gift industry has similarly been criticised for their lack of labelling. They however managed to fend off such attacks by claiming that "Where gifts are concerned, surprise makes it even better! This way, even the giver will be surprised!"

Finally, it seems that the age old eRepublik cry of madmen (V1 IS NEAR / V1 IS COMING) has been proven true! The equivalent of crazy real-life doomsayers at street corners shouting at the top of their voices "The end is nigh, the world is going to end!", this has long been confirmed by the mystical creatures known as the "d'Amin", but it is now seriously looking to be a real event... and a real problem. On the one hand, in the new "new world", the 4N Marketplace policy will be dropped in favour of 3N, allowing the donation and resale of purchased products. On the other, new regulations which restrict how many items individual citizens and organizations may own, (10), have prompted speculation of more cases of identity fraud in a bid by unscrupulous characters to continue stockpiling goods.

The Broken Fuse. News from a unique perspective... one that may be high on prohibited substances. Stories featured are to be believed at you own peril.
Compiled by The Smiling Man