The Breakout in Jilin

Day 772, 17:28 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe
--The Breakout in Jilin--

The night air was cold on my skin. It was pitch black in my cell. The cold mud had soaked into my fatigues and covered me completely. The raspy voices of Phoenix soldiers passed by on occasion. Suddenly a slot opened in the steel door, "Here is your chow Joe, sit tight" shhhhh.........

The day before, I had become separated from my unit during a fierce fire fight, and my fellow Marines had marched on, believing me to be dead. My GPS tracker had been broken in combat, I only had two rounds left and no water. I walked slowly and quietly through the jungle landscape. Suddenly enemy fire rang out all around me. Bang, bang, bang the distinctive sounds of enemy AK-47's rang out.

I hit the deck, low crawled 20 yards to the right and clicked the safety off on my rifle.

The fire stopped, and the voices began to draw closer. They dont see me yet, wtf, stay still dammit, thoughts raced through my mind. Then about 50 yards out, two Phoenix soldiers were advancing, looking about, shouting back to their CO in the unmistakable language of my sworn enemy. I peered through my scope. "Holy shit," I almost said allowed. It was a Phoenix Colonel the burning eagle on his helmet glaring back at me through the scope.

At that moment voices drew closer from my flanks, knowing it was only a matter of time, I decided to go out with a bang. I re-sighted the PHX Colonel and fired my last two rounds, both of which hit center mass. He dropped instantly. Gunfire immediately lit up my general area, I rolled onto my back, looked at the cloudy sky and waited for my killshot.

"HOLD your fire!", I heard in broken, heavily accented English. "Soldier identify yourself!" Thinkin what the hell, I'm toast anyway....., so I stood up from the undergrowth and looked at my enemies face to face.


They laughed at me. &quot😉rop your weapon Colonel", the Phoenix officer said, "you are surrounded." "It's empty anyway!" I exclaimed and through it at his feet. "I pumped my last two rounds into your boy over there." My smile didn't amuse him. From my right I got a glimpse of a pistol, I turned just in time to allow the butt of it to connect to my jaw.

I awoke hours later in a Phoenix base. I had seen this place before while out on patrol, it was the outpost of Jilin, currently occupied by enemy forces. The door burst open, it was no other than Zoli himself. "What the hell you doing out in the field ol' boy" I asked him with a smirk.

"Joe, shut your mouth" he snapped, "you're in deep shit here and you will tell what you know." Grinning from ear to ear, I shouted my rank and serial number. "Now Joe, we know why you are here, your military friends intend to attack Hello Kitty." Zoli smiled at me.

"Haha, even you guys call it that?" I chuckled. "You ain't getting nothin outta me bud." Zoli glared at me, "You are lucky I consider you valuable enough to keep alive Joe, you will talk.., eventually. Lock him up!" Two soldiers grabbed my arms and dragged me out of the room. "Sleep tight" one of them mumbled as they threw me face first into the dark, dank cell. Laying there in the darkness, I slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

......I took the chow plate and looked through the hole in my cell door. It was an EMC soldier, dressed in a Phoenix Sgt uniform. I recognized him as Mongis, a Norwegian. Wth is going on I wondered. I began to eat and bit into a something metal. I spit it out and realized it was a key. Its on now I thought, undoing my leg shackles. I made my way toward the door when...

Rat tat rat tat!!!, gunfire erupted outside. The door swung open, "Lets roll Marine!" Mongis yelled at me, throwing me a shitty Phoniex rifle. Side by side we fought our way through surprised Phoenix soldiers. The fire from our rifles lit up the dark encampment. "The chopper is coming Joe, make a break for it!" I bolted for the tree line. Looking back at the advancing enemy soldiers, I saw the opportunity I had long dreamed for. A captured American tank sat 20 yards to my left, hatch open. "Heh I can run that son of bitch" I grumbled to myself.

I broke for it, bullets ricocheted all around me. Jumping inside I yelled to Mongis, GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE! I rolled the rickety tank forward and sighted the cannon.

BOOM!!, death rained down upon the enemy encampment. BOOM BOOM, the towers and walls fell. Suddenly a tremendous explosion lit up the night sky. I had hit an ammo dump! Looking on with sheer amazement, I realized I may have killed the very man who broke me out, in fact I had killed them all.

I walked toward the Inferno, dismayed.

"JOE! WTF are you doing man? lets roll!!" Mongis shouted. I turned to see the Norwegian grinning at me from the tree line. I double timed it to his location.

"Good lord son, you obliterated the entire basecamp" he chuckled." I grinned back as an EMC chopper descended to land. "Thanks for the key bro" I yelled to Mongis as we boarded. We rose above the tree canopy revealing the utter destruction of the Jilin outpost.

From the passenger seat of the chopper, Gaius Julius leaned back toward me and said, "Hell of a job Devil Dog, you just freed Jilin single handedly, glad you're on our side boy!" He then pinned two medals on my chest, and saluted me.

"Sir, Yes Sir!" I grinned. The Chopper roared through the night, heading back for basecamp. I looked out the side to see dawn approaching, never so happy to be a eMarine in my life.

*the events of this tale originate from this battle,
Semper Fi O7
The Jilin Resistance War


Oh Btw, Here's to 2010!!! Happy New Year eCitizens!