The Book of Janeral, Chapter One

Day 653, 23:58 Published in Malaysia South Korea by Kitchen.Sink



1 FOR as much order did exist in the world, there was no lack of strength in the beginning. For so it was, in the days of Dio Brando, that the state of Pakistan rose from sand.

2 Yet upon misfortune did that great government fall. Yea, it crumbled before nature and unto excess, leaving the world with a lack of strength, though order did remain.

3 And so it was in Malaysia, long after the fall of Pakistan, during the days of Nagyzee, that the Janeral Maximus was born.

4 And the world did raise their hands up on high, saying, “O Lord, bless this thy government, that with it thou mayest FORM THE STRONG GOVERNMENT.”

5 And the Janeral did hear their plea, and thus respon😛

if u,what would u do..
just waiting for the gold…

6 And the people did rejoice, and thus their eyes did open, and they knew they may meet their Lord, with the Janeral as their savior.

7 And far did people speak of the Janeral’s wisdom, for the world was tired of governments that were not strong, and the yoke of Gods that were untrue.

8 So that when the people of Johor Bahru did say in their prayers, “Lord, we know not whither thou goest; how might we know the way?”

9 And the Janeral spake unto them, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man mayest FORM THE STRONG GOVERNMENT but by me.”

10 And by these words the people did submit, for they knew the truth in them, and they knew that the Lord did send the Janeral to return strength unto the government.

11 Thus the Janeral did assure: “I WILL PERSUE THE RANK.”