The Black Buck Initiative is Recruiting

Day 1,294, 11:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by Donnzer

The Black Buck Initiative is a new information gathering group to serve the Irish Nation by gathering information by observation on possible threats to our country's security. The Black Buck Initiative is a sub faction of Eire Aonair and is approved by the President to alert the government of dangerous threats from people or factions that threaten our nation.

This new group respects privacy and will only use what is provided by people in the game through the medium of comments or paper articles. The Black Buck Initiative respects the rights of the Irish citizens to privacy and is not allowed to keep files on Irish citizens unless the citizen is allowed in without sanction from Ministry of Immigration.
If anyone wishes to help protect their country by joining the Black Buck Initiative personal message or if you are too busy please vote and subscribe.
Thank You
Donnzer Head of the Black Buck Initiative
Proud member of Eire Aonair