The Biggest Burglary in eRepublik History! (80,000 Rubles)

Day 373, 18:59 Published in USA Russia by Smirnoff

Dear eRepublikans,
My name is Smirnoff. A few of you might know that I am a president of Free Russia Party, congressman, and candidate for President in Russia. I am here to let the entire eRepublik community know that communists (Communist Party of Soviet Union) stole 80,000 Rubles from Russian Treasury through donation to their company. I am not here to explain how they got the congress seats and voted for it. And do not argue with me saying that congress voted for it and everything was arranged legally. You had over 70% of your people in there. Here is the link of the law:

But I want to say several words regarding this F*K up from Communists:
Do you have any morals or ethics? Do you realize that this money does NOT belong to you!!!???
This is a Great Government Burglary when compared to petty theft of Sasha Igorevich that you (Communists) were bickering about and whom you put on your hate list.

So STOP BSing. Get that money back ASAP to RUSSIA. The money belongs to Russian people, and NOT your company. And do not tell me that your party represents Russian People. We have 2 parties and I will LMAO if you tell me that my party does not represent Russians when you know that we have 4-5 times more real Russians than your communist utopia.
I was approached by your representative (Foreign Legion), who asked me to discuss everything on your website. I told him that I was leaving for the Thanksgiving Break to my family house and will discuss everything when I come back. Instead, after two hours he proposed to donate 80,000 rubles to your Q1Commune Organization. What a cheap move!
I told you so many times that I am ready to build bridges and not walls. However, how can I do that when you steal 80% of all money from Russian Treasury?

This is your last chance to make this cooperation work. If not, you have just several months and I swear a God, I will make my best to find and unite Russians against you. Do not mess with Russians. The system that you are proposing is not what I bleed my freedom for, when I fought for Russian Independence, while you were saving your weapons for the next war.

We already have 3 articles written in Russian language and waiting to be translated. I just got so mad that I wanted to write this article asap.

I ask all eRepublikans, and all people who support fair play and ethics to vote this up, so that International Community knows about it.

PS: I am tired of getting threatening messages from your communist members. Admins, could you make a spam filter ?

PPS: Communists, get the money back to Russian people!!! It belongs to people!!!!