The Belgian Tea Party?

Day 933, 15:42 Published in Belgium Ireland by Nithraldur

Greetings dear Belgians,

I come to you today, not as a politician, not as a soldier, but merely as another fellow man who is concerned, confused, saddened and hopeful, a fellow human being that walks on this eEarth the same way all of you do. Actually…do we really walk it the same way? Let’s take a closer look.. Keep in mind that everything I say here today, in this article, are my own personal thoughts and share no affiliation with anything else. This is entirely produced out of my own motivation. Also, as a sidenote, I absolutely love Belgium. This article has no pun intended, it may come across as bold and frank, but this seems to be the only way of getting a decent point made. Only good intentions reside within.


Fair question, don’t you think? What is Belgium? Belgium, at the start of this game, was a country in trouble. Low employment, low wages and a high cost for the most fundamental goods drove the country to the brink of extinction. However, the country managed to pull itself together, thanks to some clever international moves and somewhat of a very ‘small’ babyboom, which allowed the country to sustain itself once more. I’m not going to give out a whole history lesson, as I’m sure some of you around here still remember it the same way as I do, so let’s flash forward, shall we?

Today, Belgium is an autonomous country. Or atleast, so we are led to believe. If I look closely, I still see remnants of British influence. Remnants you say? I might even go as far and say ‘dictations’. Why do I see Belgium being pushed around, passing bills and acting the way the United Kingdom wants it to act? Why does Belgium do what other countries want, because they are being put under pressure? I think you’ve fought long and hard enough to deserve your indepence.Don’t let yourself be bullied into a situation you’d rather not be in.

I’ve noticed you’ve joined the ‘Entente’ – Alliance. Now, really, a sane man can’t begin to wrap his head around that, unless…he found some inside information. Joining Entente was your only real ‘viable’ option of an alliance, since the United Kingdom doesn’t want you to join an alliance that they don’t approve of. I mean seriously, is this okay by all of you? Is it okay to have your foreign policy, one of the most important aspects of this game, be dictated by someone else?

Portraying the United Kingdom as your friends is, in my eyes, a mistake. They’ve proven themselves to be untrustworthy allies, as they don’t shy back from a backstab or two. Are they really your friends when they ‘persuade’ you to join an alliance of their choosing? Are they really your friends when they impose embargoes on you, until you do as they demand? If you consider these to be acts of friendship, then I’m not really up to date on the current civilised courtsmanship of the eWorld, because if this were up to me, I’d have cut my ties long ago.

Do you remember honor? We used to fight for it..


When we take a closer look at the inside of Belgium, 2 things catch my attention. A) the President, 😎 the military. My question is, are both up to par? Are both capable of responding the way they should? Are both representable? Again, in my humble personal opinion, they are not. Your President allows you to be pushed around by another nation. Your President is more concerned with his political and international image then he is with the wellbeing of his nation.

The trophy of being President is worth more, then the prosperity of the blue collar man. Is this true? Do YOU feel the same way? Do you agree with me when I say, a President is a man FOR the people, BY the people? If you see it the same way, then you will understand my malcontent with the current represenation of what is called the ‘President’. A President is a beacon, a beacon that stands on the frontline, a guide for it’s people and the last hope in dire times. Although Belgium is in no ‘real’ peril at the moment, it quickly can be. Belgium needs a man, a President, who stands up for his beliefs, but allows the people their voice, allows the people their ear and allows the people the right to speak their own will. Belgians, what has become of you? You once were a proud nation, you can still be a proud nation, you just have to want it…to grasp it…allow it to happen! Don’t let yourselves be pushed around by, oh let’s say, the United Kingdom..make up your own mind, do as you think is best, work for your OWN people first, Lord knows, after all you’ve been through, you deserve some me – time.

Poor Nigel tried to push Herman around..he tried insulting him..the results speak for itself. I say, follow his lead.

To be utterly frank, the state of your military is an abomination. The only thing that has sprouted forth of your government is the ‘ability’ to publish orders as to what you ‘should’ do. That’s it. No further organisation, no resourcing, no management..just orders. Where’s the teamspirit? Where’s the nationalism? Where’s the organisation that comes forth out of all the above? Nowhere.

Get it straight Belgium, please, I am not dissing you, I am sincerely hoping that next time you vote, you choose for people who can make a change and KNOW how to do that. I am disgusted, saddened and confused that you’ve allowed this to happen. Luckily, nothing is ever too late, not if you want it to change. If you join an alliance, you must be able to fend for yourself. A military, a functioning organised military is a great way of profiling yourself as – hey, we can take care of ourselves, we’re no burden, we have something of value -. I feel that you’ve jumped into the water without first learning how to swim. Bigger fish will get you. Act now!


Anything you want. You are never tied down. Granted, you’ve worked yourself in quite a position. Finding a way out can be hard, but it’s never impossible. You can do so by voting for the person with the right attitude and the right path to action in the next elections. Vote for some change, stray off the road of UK – domination and become yourself again, become the once proud Belgium and show the rest of the eWorld that, even though we are small and lesser populated, our hearts count as least double and can withstand triple the threat.

It’s time to show your neighbours that you really can be worth something. That they can’t take you for granted as their lapdog. Belgium deserves it’s autonomy. Shed the ties of alliancedomination and find out who your real friends are. Vote for the people willing to change, vote for the people bringing in the new ideas, vote for the people who work for the people, rather then reside in their velvet limousines.

The eWorld really is out there, you’ve just got to come together and do what’s right. Imagine what you can do, and you will be able to. Don’t let yourselves be dictated, no longer. Stand up and fight, demand your voice to be heard. Stand up, united, and play this game the way men intended it to play. After all, you’re Belgians for god’s sake, ACT like it (in the good way, of course 😉 )

Who knows..why not take the game to THEM and have THEM think something like…..this:

Yes, you can. At the very least, TRY it!

Sincerely yours,

A hopeful fellow man,
