The Beginning of the End for eCanada [CONFIRMED, BLOCKED, REVISED] EDIT

Day 1,709, 16:17 Published in Canada United Kingdom by The Governor IV

*This article was previously deleted due to inappropriate content. I didn't know an actor in a movie playing a historical scene was abusive and hurtful to others? I didn't put any swastikas in the pictures which were to benefit our Austrian and German players. Ok guys heres what I'll do. I'll report the next time someone puts on a woman in a bikini, insinuating that I have to be straight to get health [MoH] (I'm not homosexual btw but there is nothing wrong being gay) Those pictures were fake from a movie and historical. In none of those pictures was I praising Hitler or his Nazi regime. I was merely making a "meme" of the movie downfall like so many other people have. So to satisfy everyone I have changed the pictures and made them more "user friendly". I apologize for the rudely drawn smiley faces and "maple leaves".*

On with the article...

I earlier wrote an article regarding the end of our great nation. An article which got many votes and many interesting opinions that I read and took to heart. I wrote a follow up article about Canada's improving but yet unstable relationship with the United States. To all of you I apologize. I was wrong. It appears the United States have, and are pushing us back on 3 important fronts. I don't want to say its over yet. Because we still have a fighting chance.

The closest thing I can compare this to is the movie Downfall. One day soon I believe we'll be "Germany". Rylde is Hitler attempting to push the Russians (the Americans) back. However being cut off from communications, and troops virtually non-existant, he drove himself crazy.

With no official announcement from our President, what's your morale like? In all honesty, after losing battle after battle, do you honestly think its possible to push the Americans back on our own? What happened to the split in American way of thinking over the war in Canada?

This is RIDICULOUS to say the least. Sure we own the night, but why aren't we owning the day? This will be the last time I speak to any of you as a country, because soon I'll be speaking to you as rebellious groups. As of now citizens of Canada, I will be working underground. To any of those who want to support me in creating a Military group that will do just that the gold would be appreciated, and I swear to you I can be trusted with money, just ask Mann551.

As for the situation now, my patriotism is high, but my morale is low. I'll fight till the very last gold piece runs out.

I congratulate you all on holding the Americans off this long. Rylde, we want an announcement. We need the morale boost. Now here's some pictures about how I feel in Manitoba.

Canadian Soldiers on their last energy bar in Manitoba

Rylde coming out to assess the situation of Manitoba from his secret underground bunker of the Resistance.

Rylde Congratulating Canada's remaining RW fighters

Canadian Troops in Yukon

Quebec 10 Minutes into Battle

On the bright side we won't have to deal with Quebec's whining.
Thanks to our allies who have worked hard beside us, I now see you on our battlefield 🙂

P.S. I worked hard on those pictures, which delayed the article coming back for so long.

*EDIT* Go Canada! You have restored my faith in Canada. We still have a massive chance to push them back. Evry is screwed! I will become a resident of Florida the day it falls. Good day to you all 🙂