The beginning of a historic feud.

Day 2,289, 10:15 Published in Pakistan United Kingdom by FightAndProduce

I found this when I was looking through my tickets. When I was a really young player (about a week into eRep) I was accused of being a multi. I was really butthurt and I actually sent a ticket to the admins about it (I know, I suck) But this means I have the transcript of what he said about me. This doesn't seem to be everything he accused me of when I was new but it's a large part of it.



36Don DapperDay 1,866, 01:03

Like this comment left on Dr Hugh Jardon Story yesterday

I really think these articles are catching on.If any congress members are reading this article,or even this comment.I'd recommend you do the same thing.

After 4 days in the game how could you tell if they are catching on ? you stick out like a sore thumb for some reason

After 1 day you release this story

Not really what a new player does after 1 day , like I say you stick out like a sore thumb whoever you are !

36Don DapperDay 1,866, 01:12

Also in story

You have said Dan Moir told you you missed TUP from the list (very handy) was that to throw off the scent? how would have Dan Moir seen this story he was the first to comment it had no votes and his not in your friends list at the time and still not in your friends list, if you are going to try and attack parties make it less obvious , from day 1 you stood out to me and I look at 100's of accounts each day .

36Don DapperDay 1,866, 01:27 Day 1865

you released this story yesterday around 6pm but had no time to train and fight or done neither

Now who does that ? logs into a game doesn't train or fight but spends 10 mins writing crap about about giving the enemy money , Now I don't know what your agenda is , but you stick out like a sore thumb , and I will be keeping a close eye on this account


This is why I don't like Don Dapper, imagine just joining the game and being tormented by this utter douche.