The Beginning -- Keegan Knoll

Day 724, 16:49 Published in Philippines Philippines by Keegan Knoll

Well... The MoM wanted more submissions, and I had this short little story lying around from some time ago. There was once supposed to be a continuation of this, but it never happened. So, well, here goes:

The two shadowed figures stood still, looking calmly down on the area below, from the high, jagged cliff that they were perched upon. In physical appearance, the two seemed almost opposite of eachother. The one on the left was male, and was extremely tall, standing almost eight feet. He was eerily thin and bony, however it seemed as if there was an aura of strength about him, as if he were far stronger than his appearance would show. He had extremely light skin, which almost glowed in the darkness around the two of them, almost the color of the cold, harsh snow of a blizzard. Much of his figure was hidden by an old, tattered cloak, that went down to his knees, and had a collar that hid most of his face from view, up to his empty, silver eyes, which were partially hidden from view by his matted, black hair, which fell in front of his face.

The other figure, however, was a petite, young looking woman, wearing simple but clean black clothing, which fit her rather tightly. Her silvery blond hair fell to her knees in the back, and nearly reached her eyes in the front. She seemed very tired, but pleased with herself at the same time, as if she had been working hard for something for a long time, and she had finally achieved the result she desired.

&quot😉o you see them, Lord Dios?" She asked the tall, cloaked man, looking at him hopefully, her voice light and quiet. She pointed down, off of the cliffs, and into the Forest below. "She is in there, hiding the child from you." There was a small, cabinlike house barely visible among the trees. "I have found them for you, my lord." She looked to him hopefully once again.

The tall man took off the cloak slowly, taking his time, and tossed it aside carelessly, revealing the expensive looking suit that he was wearing underneath it. "My love, there is no need to address me in such a formal manner." He said, his voice dark, yet somehow calming. The woman smiled at this statement,her face in a mixture of surprise and delight. "You have done very well, Revia." He continued. "I could not have found them without you." ...He leaned down, and kissed the woman passionately, smiling at her reaction. "You will be rewarded, my love." He then held her by the waist. "Now, come along with me." He jumped down the massive cliff with her, and landed some hundred feet below at the bottom, feet first and with no injury, as Revia stared at him with loving, dazed eyes. He set her down, and the two of them began towards the cabin that she had pointed out to him.

When they finally reached the cabin, Dios smiled, putting his hand calmly against the door. Then, in one swift motion, he swung it off its hinges, crashing it into the wall on the other side. He smirked, walking through the doorway, with Revia following obediently after him.

Inside the small house was nearly as dark as it had been outside, with only a single candle to light the room. On the other side of the room, opposite Dios and Revia,, stood another woman, who looked very similar to Revia in many respects. They were the same exact height and build, and had the same hair color, although this woman's had been cut at the shoulder. The main difference between the two, however, was that this woman had a defiant, almost rebellious look in her eyes, in deep contrast to the obedient, nearly obsessive stare to Revia's.

"I had assumed that as much would happen if I trusted you." She said, staring at Revia angrily, somehow not surprised in the slightest of such a betrayal. "I should have never let you know where I was, family or not." Her voice ws weak, but filled with disdain and defiance. "I never should've trusted you, sister, I should've known that it was only a matter of time before you would expose me." Revia looked guilty and sorry now, but remained silent, looking away from her sister, averting her eyes in an eager-to-please stare towards Dios instead.

"Twins are amusing...." Dios said two himself as the two fought. "I think I shall aquire a set of them in the future." He looked back at the twin sisters. "Now, to business." He stared at Revia's sister calmly. "Where is the child, Ms. Reya?" He asked her. "It isn't a very large place, he can't be hard to find. You know, I'll find him before long, anyway, it is inevitable now."

Reya spat at Dios, but it evaporated before it could even make contact with him. "Stop being so childish, Ms. Reya, or I may be forced to cause you harm." Dios said calmly, his eyes beginning to glow a soft gold color. "Now, I ask you politely once more, to tell me where he is. He has potential, and I plan to make use of it. He needs our training in order to reach that potential, so give him to me or I shall take him by force."

His father is coming back." Reya said defiantly. "He is coming back, and he will kill you. He wouldn't let you take him from me." Although as she spoke, she spoke with conviction, with an assured tone, there was something lacking to her tone, her expression, that showed that she knew the truth that what she was saying would never come to pass.

In response to her apparent faith in the man who had left long prior, Dios merely chuckled lightheartedly at her. "His father could care less." He said. "I am sorry, Ms. Reya, but your dear Alexander has no intentions of seeing you or his son again. He only cares for his own strength and gain. He could care less whether you living or not. He has been away from you for nearly six years. His child, however, has the potential to exceed even his 'great' father, and I intend to make sure this comes to pass. Now, where is he? Tell me before I choose to kill you, and find him on my own."

When Dios said this, a black shadow erupted from the ground, encasing most of Revia's body, and putting pressure on her throat. Out of the darkness, a young child appeared, walking slowly into view. He seemed angry, almost possessed, as he spoke to Dios. If you hurt my mother in the slightest, I will kill her." He said through clenched teeth. The child stood just under four feet tall, which was an accomplishment for someone his age, and his speech was clear and adultlike. His hair was nearly shoulder length, and jet black, and his eyes were blood red. The way he suddenly threatened his own aunt was unlike a normal child, even of his ability, and if it were not for the shadows at the woman's throat, most anyone who would hear his threat would simply laugh, and continue on.

Dios [merely] smiled at the child's threat, however. "Child, I have enjoyed your aunt for a time, yes, but by all means, take her life. As beautiful as she is, I could find a hundred like her in a day." He said, laughing, and lifting a hand towards Reya, and pulsing several waves of green energy into her, killing her quickly and painfully.

As Revia heard her beloved Dios utter these words, as he killed the one whom he'd come for, the family that she had sold to be with him, the woman whom was not to be harmed, lest she be killed by her posessed nephew, her face twisted in shock and sadness. Tears immediately began streaming from her eyes, though it is not certain whether she cried for her sibling, or merely her own realization that she had been a pawn all the time.

The child raged, clenching his fists and yelling angrily, which caused the shadows to tighten their grip on Revia, crushing her bones, and killing her brutally, crushing her very bones to pieces. She was still crying as she died, not for her death, but for her betrayal. The child fell, and the shadows withdrew once again as he lost consciousness.

Dios smiled calmly as he scooped the child up in his arm. "Well, little Jalin, you're showing your potential already." He said. "I didn't think you would actually kill her. But at any rate, it was impressive." He smiled as he began walking away, towards the Council City of Destra, where this child's true strength could be developed.