The battles of eSerbia and eSlovenia in eItaly

Day 1,642, 14:41 Published in United Kingdom USA by Proponent

I have decided (Thanks to GameChanger) to write a second war article, so I did some looking around at some of our allies doings since I started playing here and it made me very much aware of the work of one of our allies, eSerbia. They are the pale orange colour on the middle right of the map.

This is how eSerbia was looking on the 8th, they have a good amount of regions and are a very respectable ally so let us look at their past eleven days.

The 9th and 10th no land was lost nor gained for eSerbia however on the 11th a battle was won in one of the Italy's regions, this was the start of eSerbia's expansion - At the expense of Italy. Italy is the darkish blue colour on the map.

eSerbia quickly took two more of Italy's regions. Only two days into their battles in Italy and they have already taken three regions. Every territory our allies have is one territory our enemies don't.

On the 13th of May eSerbia took yet another territory from Italy, Italy started with fifteen territories and by now has lost almost 1/3 of these to our ally and so far eSerbia has taken no losses to their own land in this campaign. There is a downside to this though, another ally of ours, eSlovenia, lost a lot of land in a short period of time when you compare the 13th to the 8th. eSlovenia is the pale blue colour shown on the map, touching borders of Italy.

Ah this was a good day, eSlovenia kept all of their regions from the day before and eSerbia took another two from eItaly. There is not much for me to say here so nice one.

eItaly has lost yet another region to eSerbia and eSlovenia is hanging in there with their current regions but the next day holds some very nice results.

This was a very good day for both of our allies, eSerbia takes yet another two regions from eItaly and eSlovenia also claims a region from eItaly. Very well done by both of you. As you can see, eItaly has gone from having most of its starting regions and some others to having only a handful left.

This was yet another very good day, repeating the same results as yesterday eSerbia takes another two regions from eItaly and eSlovenia takes another one. This puts eItaly in a bad position.

There were no new territories gained for eSerbia today however eSlovenia managed to take three. Two of these were from eItaly and the other one from eCroatia. I have to say, they quickly got back on the map - So to speak.

So this is what we are looking at today, Italy is left with one region compared to what it had a mere 11 days ago and eSlovenia gained another region back from Croatia.

Well done to both of our allied countries and any others who fought in those campaigns.