The Battle of Delaware, a tale of war.

Day 908, 22:05 Published in Canada Canada by Lord Penguin
Could you please vote and coment on this, I put a lot of work into this story and would like feedback and for everyone to see it. Thank you 😃

The Accounts of the Battle of Delaware from the perspective of James McNamara, or Penguin

I stood down in Delaware, with two people on either side of me, TemujinBC on the left, and J. Robert Calder on the other.

“Soooooo, we are f***ed aren’t we” I said

“Pretty much yes” said JRC lighting a cigar with a one dollar bill

“So why are we here? I mean we are giving Delaware back to America, why the fight?” I asked, looking over at Tem.

“It’s a big a** training war, we making seem real so we all can get some training or fun in, which ever war you see it” said Tem, cracking his knuckles, and picking up his gun.

“So what the hell to these guns shoot?” I asked

“These” said Tem, shooting me in the thigh.

“Ow! You Mother f***ing son of a b**ch! The f**k was that!” I yelled

“Rubber pellets, they hurt like a b**ch don’t they” chuckled Tem

“Yes you a**hole, they do”

“Contacts! Look sharp!” yelled JRC, I rushed over to the window, picking up my gun, down on the street there were hundreds of people, marching down, as if they had already won.

“Open fire!” yelled Tem, gunfire exploded from our guns, I shot 15 rounds into the crowd of people, all hitting, it was hard not to hit. Then the return fire hit us, volley after volley hit the wall of the building, hundreds of rubber balls came in through the windows, one got me in the arm.

“Ow!” raising my gun over my head and blind firing out the window, the balls flew at such great speeds they sounded like bullets. I looked over to see Tem laughing as he emptied clip after clip, into the crowed.

“Come on relocate” said JRC

“Where I asked?” emptying another clip over my head

“Local B4” Said JRC, I hopped up and followed JRC out Tem behind me, we went out through the back door, and into the side streets, the sound of gunfire still ringing in the back ground.
We went into building B4 which was about 5 minutes away thankfully no conflicts occurred on the way, we had just set up shop as we saw a team of 10 coming around the corner of the street.

“Stay sharp guys” said JRC still smoking on his cigar.

“Thunder!” said someone behind us

“Flash!” said Tem turning around. Aiming his gun at the door, as three people came in.

“Names?” asked JRC,

“I don’t think I need to state my name, said a guy in a fedora” the guy said

“Holy hell, its Jacobi” I said

“I’m Salem as you should know” the second guy said.

“Ah yeah I remember you” said Tem

“If you don’t know me I’m going to smack you upside the head” said Cypher

“Well isn’t this just a merry band we got here” I said

“S**t , contacts in the building across from us” said JRC, I turned and took a position at the window, I saw in the building the team of 10 enter.

“What now JRC” I asked,

“James, Jacobi, and Salem head into that building, Tem, Cypher and I will cover you” he said

“Sounds good, James your point” Salem said

“Lovely” The three of us hustled across the street and went around back, without being seen, we got up to the back door, and I peaked in, two guys, I held up two fingers to tell the other two that there were two guys in the little room. At this point I heard gun fire erupt from the building where Tem was, I looked in to see the two guys run to the front to take position to return fire.

“Let’s go” I whispered, the three of us entered, slowly the two guys on the bottom floor were busy pelting the opposite building with ‘bullets’ we snuck past up into the staircase Jacobi walking up backwards in case the two came up. When we reached the top, we saw three guy instantly, firing at the window where JRC was, I opened fire, three shots, all of them in the back, at this range it hurt enough to bring a man to his knees, all of them went down righting in pain. Two guys who saw this and where hidden at the wall rushed to their buddies, and soon met the fate of them as well, at this a door burst open, and 3 guys sprayed the hallway with bullets, I ducked back into the stair well.

Upon hearing the commotion upstairs the two guys who were down stairs rushed up into the stair case and into Jacobi’s bullets. He went down to tag them. As the three guys left sprayed the hall we heard two thuds from inside the room, and heard the laugh of Tem all the way over here. The last guy knowing he was beat, laid down his gun and surrendered.
After all of them were tagged (cuffed with plastic ties) and their ammo taken, the three of us had just enough time to get back to B4 before two groups of 30 came hustling down the road.

“Oh hell no” said JRC

“Eat plastic suckers!” yelled Tem as he fired into the oncoming crowds

“Cover compromised, relocate” said JRC

“Yeah be gone with ya! I’m going to have some fun” said Tem

“I’m with ya!” said Salem

“Fine, rest of you on me” said JRC, as he rushed down the stairs, and into the back alley with me, Jacobi and Cypher following, we ran across a street, and just as we approached a new building, gun fire reputed as we were fired upon. JRC me and Jacobi dived into the building, while Cypher got hit in the chest twice knocking him down.

“OW! F**K! That hurts!” he yelled, Jacobi rushed out, and pulled him into the building.

“Second floor now!” said JRC, me and Jacobi, hauled Cypher up to the second floor, while JRC covered our rear. Once up top me and Jacobi went to the windows and fired into the squad that was approaching fast.

“JRC there almost here!” yelled Jacobi, JRC handed Cypher his pistol

“Guard the stairs” Cypher nodded, me and Jacobi, now joined with JRC, keep firing into the squad as they came up. But it wasn’t long until Cypher had to start shooting down the stair case at people coming up.

“You guys get the hell out of here, I’ll hold them off!” Cypher yelled, I looked at JRC,

“How do we do that” I asked

“Back alley” he said, as he, rushed the washroom and opened the window, lucky for up there was a dumpster right below up. The three of us hopped down onto it, and rushed down the back corridor, leaving what remained of Cypher’s fight.

“Now where” I asked, panting heavily

“Last stand” said JRC, Jacobi and I looked at him, but before either of us could say anything, he jogged off, me and Jacobi behind him.

We encountered no resistance on the way to the last stand, as all of the troops were behind us. When we arrived it was the capital building of Delaware, there was 4 others there Christopher True,
Treian, Charles Powel and RyanGDI.

“You all that’s left” asked JRC

“Yep rest got captured” said Chris

“Wait who’s that? Asked Terian point to someone running towards the building, as bullets flew past him

“By god, is Tem!” said JRC

“Places everyone!!” yelled Charles, we took our places and Tem hopped over the sandbags

“Brought the whole dam army didn’t you!” JRC yelled

“The more the merrier!” he yelled back.

As the hoard descended on the building, the defenders took their last stand to heart, even after being hit they stood back up once again, I saw it happen, the first to fall and not get back up, was Jacobi, after being hit 32 times, he hit the ground exhausted and weak from the numbness.
Many of the attackers fell to the bullets, many could not take the pain, a few stayed they had their own fighters.

Ryan was the next to fall, he only got hit 3 times but a bullet got him right in the nose, and he stumbled and fell his eyes watering and him unable to see.

After Ryan came Treian, he hopped over the sand bags and unleashed a fury, clip after clip, until finally being taken down after many shots.

Chris, didn’t take long after Treian, he fell exhausted after a solid hour of fighting, the attacker pushed forward, as the defenders weakened, I saw this happen, while blind firing over my head.

I was the next to fall, I took many hits, before stumbling back sinking, my head was throbbing and my body was numb from the bullets, before I lost my senses I was Tem, I was what took him down.

He was tackled by Ironman, they grappled before JRC pulled Ironman off, and rushed up the stairs, where he made the final stand of the last stand.

The odd were stacked against up, there was no hope for a win, it was how it was meant to be, but one thing was for sure we few defenders, gave them one hell of a fight, and that was the main point, JRC was the last man standing on the defenders side. And from accounts I’ve been told, it took the attackers 3 minutes to take that SOB down, 3 minutes may not sound like much, but from the number of welts he got, holy hell I would not want to piss him off.