The battle is over

Day 737, 00:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by uaithne

November Election Results

After 24 hours of anxious waiting, the battle for a congress seat is at an end. With 6 total regions in Ireland, only 36 people will gain a seat with an additional 4 seats taken up as wildcards. It has been a long drawn out battle that has surely left some disappointed and some elated.

For those of you who didn't stay up into the wee hours following these 40 battles, here is a bit of a run down. Make of these numbers what you will.

Irish Union Party - 30% - 12 seats
The IUP has a total number of 162 members with a turnout of 117 votes.

Independent Voices - 22.5% - 9 seats
Total number of members for IV is 66 members and all 69 members voted.

Saoirse - 22.5% - 9 seats
SAO has 72 members total and 59 showed up at the ballot box.

Irish Social Democrats - 15% - 6 seats
ISD is showing a total member count of 79 and 65 members voted.

Irish Freedom Party - 10% - 4 seats
The total number of members for IFP is 124 with a turnout of 76.

Now onto who will be representing which region.

Cork and Kerry
05737716 - 6
Edana Savage - 6
uaithne - 5
Dubhthaigh - 5
kasza keekess - 4
Memphis Raines III - 4

Bryan O'Shea - 18
Appleman - 16
Daniel Kaffe - 16
O Bass -8
Tarazis Sati - 6
Longbaugh - 5

moomoohead - 20
Irish Princess - 20
Texas ironman93 - 18
Niall H - 16
Nithraldur - 14
Octavius Dryst - 9

Anaille Kolshire - 4
don.squire - 4
John Gormley -4
buddysilver -4
oqpniaczek - 4

Darragh O Faolain - 5
micktrim - 4
DashRiprock - 4
biffo3000 - 4
Sweet Drinker - 4
Arieopac a - 4

Kavrocks - 10
ian arbuckle - 4
pdiddy - 3
einberliner -3
Don Tanatos -3
navy II -2

Starks Hayter - 8
Vargask - 8
Kit Fisto - 6
Sean Power - 5

Those ladies and gentlemen are going to be the people that you have elected to serve and represent you. Will they? That is the big question. If you would like to keep an eye on how they represent you, please join the forum. I, as one of these , ask that you frequent this forum, communicate with your Party President, and message your government if you have questions, ideas, or you just want to get to know us.

For those of you that did not get elected, this does not mean that you cannot share your concerns and questions with those that have in order to better this beautiful island. Any work you put into growing our nation is welcome.

So There you have it Ireland. Your newly elected congress.

IUP Congresswoman - Cork and Kerry