The Battle for Nunavut

Day 705, 13:42 Published in USA USA by CheesyQueso

The Battle for Nunavut is a VERY IMPORTANT BATTLE. If we win here, it will make it so Hungary and PEACE have only one Region left in North America, which would be Alaska. If we lose here, we will no longer have the initiative against Hungary.

Berserk (fight 5 times, heal, fight another 4 or 5 times) here if possible. Move to a region with a Q5 Hospital in order to do Maximum damage. Buy weapons if possible. If you are to poor to buy weapons then try to get free weapons (see below). If there is no chance of you getting a hold of weapons then fight bare-fisted (weapons are MUCH better than fighting bare-fisted).

Free Weapons
To get free weapons you must make a post there

DoD orders

Battle ends in: 48 Minutes
Battle ends at: 18:00 Server Time
Nunavut is currently: 326810/269700