The awesomest analysis of the presidential election yet

Day 929, 01:47 Published in Thailand Bulgaria by HrBjorn

HrBjorn saw the presidential election and he was like "WTF?!". For real? Kubu won? Nah. That can't be true. So he started digging into it, you know, like that badass journalist he is.

First he looked at the PTO parties votes compared to it's vote from the last congress election. Yeah, he just took all the votes that PTO candidates had versus how many votes Kubu got at this election.
Then he did the same with the Pro-Thai candidates and Jimmy Millers.

What you will see next might shock you. HrBjorn suggests that you get down in your chair, grab yourself a recovery-beer and perhaps put some nice music on(HrBjorn suggests Lady Gaga - Polka Face, just type it in on youtube).

If we see the Pro-Thai votes at the congress election they got 77 votes all together, where the PTO candidates got 44. So basically, Pro-thais won with 33 votes.
In the presidential election Jimmy Miller, the Thai candidate, got 81 votes. Where Kubu got, and now you should open up that recovery-beer, 104 votes. Winning over Jimmy Miller with 23 votes.

In a matter of 10 days the PTO'ers magically got 60 votes. So 60 new players had joined Thailand(Like that's gonna happen in 10 days) and all chose to vote for the guy who said the least in the media. Either new players are stupid, or Kubu won by cheating.

HrBjorn doesn't know about you guys, but he does not think new players are stupid. He's more on the second possibility.

EDIT: How could Kubu get 27 votes in less than an hour, just like that? See at this site: