The Audacity of Independence

Day 364, 15:16 Published in USA USA by Lowell Kennedy
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Sixth parties in the United States and across the eWorld have been shafted and will continue to be shafted until admins remove the top five prerequisite for representation. Whether or not you are member of an internationally large party like Sovereign Finland or United States Workers Party, a top five party in your country like Izquierda Democratica Espanola or UCP, or a small party like my Yellow Party or the countless others in eRepublik, you must agree that the democratic system that exists now is fundamentally undemocratic.

Small parties already struggling to or slowly building a base must make the argument to prospective members that they can make a difference when, in fact, the differences are limited by the structure built into eRepublik. How is it fair? Simply, it is not.

Why five? Why not four or six or ten? Is it some unheard political research that tells us that five can cover the entire political spectrum of issues, values, and beliefs for every single person? The point of a political party is to serve as a committee and confederation of a group of people with the same or similar interests united in a common front. Small parties may not be as popular but they serve the same purpose, no more or less. They just have fewer members. Yet, admins effectively disenfranchise the members of such parties.

This issue will ebb and flow until the new congressional elections. At the point, the issue will peak with multiple articles here and abroad in many languages saying the same thing: our interests are not those of nation’s top five, why should we be forced to vote for them. What if our region’s interests are not the same as the nation’s? What if we are Michigan residents looking for economical lifeline for an ailing auto industry when the rest of the nation is reluctant to throw one to us? Should we not be able to vote for interests to make them heard?

Ultimately, we have the audacity to be independently-minded and choose the party that best reflects our situations in eRepublik. We refuse to conform ourselves to unnatural fits when there is not a natural one among the top five parties of a country.

Admins, please remove the prerequisite of being a top five party for representation in order to improve the game.

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