The assassination of a good soldier

Day 2,366, 15:24 Published in United Kingdom Armenia by GibGeordie

The assassination of a good soldier
written by Jack Jockson
commander of 7th Cavalry

The immortal 7th Cavalry had already replaced the dead soldier by now, but United Kingdom will never be the same again. This is a story of a dead member of 7th Cavalry and ATO forces.

Who's who in this drama

mwalton - just a soldier
ATO forces - a group of people represented by democratically elected country president Ayame Crocodile


What they do:

mwalton - follows commander's orders

ATO forces - compromise, discredit, call traitors, then blacklist and hunt down people they consider their opponents,

a group of anti PTO police that fill their ranks with emigrants

The assassination of a good soldier

mwalton was a young soldier of 7th Cavalry. He was one of the 618 soldiers commander Jockson has trained and one of the best of his profession.

He has fulfilled every single task his commander gave him:

-he'd fetch the weapons from supply channel

-he worked, he trained

-he followed his daily routine

-he got the worker's medal, the most valuable medal there is

-he's done special diplomatic mission in Norway and Ireland

-he rode with us across the channel on trolling missions

-he fought with us when Pakistan declared war to UK

-he fought when Norway attacked

-he fought when Taiwan airstriked

-he fought against all the aggressors that dared to set foot on Britain in his lifetime

mwalton became a regular 7th Cavalry soldier. Of 600 soldiers you ever met in 7th Cavalry only 12 of them has done all the tasks required. mwalton was one of them, a soldier following commander's orders, a student following his master's steps. A true Brit he was.

What did he do to get assassinated? That was a soldier that never asked a question.

He was nobody's multi account, because no multi goes through such an ordeal of given tasks.


This newspaper will explain how this disgusting tragedy could have happened. mwalton was killed in New York a couple of days after he joined the political work. This was his last task before the student would surpass his master, the task of figuring out what's best for the land.
He fell a victim of political assassination, he was betrayed and assassinated by ATO forces. That's how it happened. He was poor like many of us and they pinned something on him.