The Army - Love it or Leave it!

Day 529, 21:19 Published in USA Israel by Moishe

From the first days of my conception as an eCitizen I have had an affinity for the Military. This is not because of an innate love for war and violence but rather because those men and women are constantly called upon to uproot their existence in defense of their country. Most do it without complaint.

During my two tours as a eUSA Congressman I gave little thought to the Military. Why? I honestly can not answer that unless it was, perhaps, because when I left I felt I left a job undone. I served one as General of the Army and put a lot of effort into structuring something that, I had hoped, would endure. Sadly that Army that I knew no longer exists. It has passed through the hands of William Shafer, Joeph Cole, and Symrstar. I almost weep as I think of the condition it has obtained. Obtained? Not really. The depths to which it has sank. I do not almost weep. My eyes well up as I consider what it has become. The men I have left behind. The potential it had but which it now only haunts.

Now it is time to reform that Military. Not the entire Military but the Army which I love. Oh, sure, I admire the National Guard. They give all and demand little. They only want to serve. to train, to provide "for the common defense". And there is the Marines which is the glorified Branch which gets all the cool orders; deploys to foreign fronts and fights for all they have got to represent the eUSA. All of these I admire, respect and love. But above all of these I honor the Army.


The Army represents the common Joe; the Joe Schmoe of eCitizenry. These are the men and women who have graduated the National Guard but who have yet to reach the qualifications required to become a USA Marine. They are more than willing to give all they can.

But they have been ignored. Their mission has not been clear and they have been under-used.

What are the missions of the various branches of the USA Military?

1) The Natinal Guar😛 The NG's mission is basically to train new eCitizens; to prepare them for their role in the Military and to teach them the protocols required.
2) The Army: The Army's mission is to fight for the USA when attacked; to be ready to defend it at every opportunity and to respond to each and every national emergency.
3) The Marines: The Marine's mission has been to deploy to those foreign ports which demand eUSA support whether it be in Romania, South Africa, or China.

But can we let the Army sit in a cadre status and still expect it to remain responsive? Of course not! We must let the Army do what it is trained to do. That is FIGHT!

I urge the President to let me lead and deploy active portions of the Army to do what it does best - fight! I urge the SecDef to let me work with the Command structure of the Army to prepare it for a new mission - to support American diplomacy and Alliance support. I urge the current Administration to not set aside the Army but to use it as it wants to be used. WE WANT TO FIGHT!

Mr President! The Army has assured me it can field a responsive unit of dedicated troops. Let me work with General Armandez in organizing those troops to support the current missions accepted by the Marines and National Guard. Give the Army a chance to show its worth!

The Army loves the eUSA! Does the eUSA love its Army?