The Anti-Bribery Act

Day 694, 23:48 Published in Canada Canada by e Fight Club

The Anti-Bribery Act


This act is meant to stop the bribe and bribing actions of political leaders within our country.

What is a "bribe"?

The offering or acceptance of money/items under the condition that a vote be cast for a specific candidate of any political election.

If a citizen is 1) a candidate of a political election, 2) incumbent of a political election, or 3) active supporter of a candidate/incumbent of a political election, and commits the act of "bribing" someone for a vote, then they shall receive the punishment listed.


Congressman - Shall be denied access to a "congress" mask on the eCanada forums. All other members shall also be obligated to vote NO on his/her proposals

Party Presidents - Shall be denied access to the "party leader" mask on the eCanada forums. No other party president is allowed to endorse his party in the federal elections or they shall receive the same punishment as the original offenser(?).

President/Prime Minister - The President/Prime Minister shall be impeached with a congress vote where all congressmen are required to vote YES on the vote.

Active Candidate Supporters/Campaigners - The strong recommendation to the corresponding party that the citizen in violation of bribing be actively denounced by the party, or else the party be accused of promoting the use of bribery.


If there is a dispute where there is not a consensus on whether bribery has occurred then the supreme court of eCanada shall decide.

In addition, any candidate or active candidate supporter is recommended to include the following pledge in any message between eRepublik users that involves a transaction, exchange, or service. This statement is meant to aid in the clarification of disputes between individuals of that transaction, and all candidates are recommended to state this pledge to party members and popular newspapers in order to propagate their intent on following this act.

"As an upcoming candidate (or supporter of a candidate) in the ___________ elections, I, ____________, will in no way participate in an exchange/transaction involving the use of bribery. As stated in the Anti-Bribery Act, if for any reason, the requirement of voting for a specific candidate is involved in the contract of an exchange/transaction, I am in direct violation of eCanadian Law.
