The American Way....

Day 745, 14:56 Published in USA USA by Preston Sage

Over the course of the past week or so, there have been some happenings abroad that have hit home with the great citizens of the eUS. The first was the eUK with it’s senseless acts of aggression over the Thanksgiving holiday. They attacked both Maine and Rhode Island, and to this day those attacks leave me puzzled as to what their intentions were. Did they actually think that had a shot at winning those regions from us? Did theydo it as a diversion to cover the attacks on other countries started by our enemies? Did they hope that the eUSA would get aggravated enough to attack their regions and start something bigger and more devastating on a global scale? The facts are that no one actually knows what was going on in the feeble minds of the eUK leadership. I can tell you this though…they failed at meeting whatever agenda they had, and they failed in epic fashion. Some of the great citizens of our nation have been calling for their heads on a silver platter. Lucky for us all we have leadership in place that think first before reacting. There are some in this country that didn’t like that, but hopefully they will soon realize that good things come to those who wait. The eUK’s time will come eventually, but on our time and not there’s.

The second big happening was the attack by eSpain on eFrance. There has been a very loud voice from the great people of the eUSA to side with our allies in eSpain and give the French their just desserts for what they did to both countries a few months back. Even after we had come to some form of a peace accord with the French. Who in my opinion had learned from their mistakes, and had been trying to make a turn for the better. That being said….while the French may have been forgiven for their past transgressions, they definitely weren’t forgotten. At least they weren’t forgotten by people of eSpain. I’m absolutely positive that the eUSA hasn’t forgotten it either, but it seems like the leadership of the country was trying to give them a chance to make amends for the things that had done previously. I can’t really find any fault in that thought process really. It would seem that the cooler heads in this great country are thinking the same way. Just like the eUK, I think that the French will have to pay for what they did to us, and their time will come eventually(if there is anything left of them after eSpain gets through with them that is), I just don’t see it that high on the eUSA’s priority list at the moment. I for one agree with that.

A few days ago, It was stated in an article that former Vice President, and current Presidential Candidate Jewitt would attack the eUK within 3 days of taking office if he won the Presidency this month. I strongly voiced my displeasure about this campaign promise, and condemned it for what it was….a cheap political tactic to garner the votes of the revenge seeking, war mongers that inhabit our great land. Being the standup individual that he is, Jewitt contacted me and let me know that under no circumstances would he do such a foolhardy thing as to attack the eUK without some sort of plan in place. He told me that it was actually a joke(I actually believe that to be the case), and that if there was to be an attack on the eUK a lot of thought will be put into it. I would like to thank Jewitt for clarifying that for me. Even though I am supporting President Frost this election, I think that Jewitt would make a great POTeUS. Whether if it is this month, or the next, Jewitt will continue lead our country in the right direction and he will have my full support in helping him do so in any way that I can.

Another big happening is the eUS’s decision to join EDEN. This is a move that has left many wondering why was this move made, and would the move hold the country back from carrying out any of it’s foreign policies. I think that President Frost and former President Julius did a great job in explaining the reasons for the eUS joining EDEN, and hopefully that will calm most of the fears that the citizens of our great nation had about the whole situation. The trolls that try and have fun at our expense nearly succeeded in getting this great country up in arms over this issue, and it says a lot about the current administration that they were able to explain what was going on in such a way that it made complete sense.

Now that all of the happenings of the past week have been cleared up somewhat, I thought that it would be a great time to get something off of my chest. The fact that some of the citizens of our great nation would want to resort to war mongering for the lulz of it(or senseless revenge…it’s just as bad) makes me ashamed. That is in not way things are done in this country. THAT IS NOT THE AMERICAN WAY. Attacking countries without and rhyme or reason is the work of fools. Countries like Russia, Hungary, and the eUK immediately come to mind. As we all can see, it has gotten them nowhere. Sure, they may have taken a few regions, but in the end they have lost more battles than they have won. I’m sure that if I tried to take a piss in a bucket, while being blindfolded, standing ten feet away from it, on twenty different occasions, that I would hit my mark at least once or twice. We live by a standard of higher morals and values than most countries out there. We are smarter than that….we are better than that. In my opinion, imperialism is for the fearful and weak-minded. These are the types of subhuman’s that this country swore to protect those who can’t protect themselves from. That is why I am proud to be an eAmerican. It’s why I am proud to be an American period. THAT IS THE AMERICAN WAY. Now I’m not telling anyone out there to think along the same lines as I do because the righ to have a differing of opinion is one of the main things that make this country the best country in the world. What I’m asking to do is to think and not go by gut instant and raw emotions. Everyone knows that this is the greatest country in eRepublic. So there is no reason for us to throw that fact in any other countries face by crushing a country just because we can. There is nothing American about that.

This was my first article ever, so comments, subscriptions, and votes would be greatly appreciated.