The adventures of Gali the Viking I

Day 2,515, 11:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

Gali looked over the North Sea, a big black dish bordered by dark green fingers.
Ragnor called to him to get on to the bloody boat. Reluctantly Gali grabbed his guitar and climbed on to the great big longboat. "how are we going to get this to England when there's only four of us?" Gali inquired. "It's song powered; you've got to play a song and it rows itself", replied Ragnor just as he finished setting up his guitar. 212,536 LITERALLYs later...

Finally Gali and co. had arrived in England, specifically the south-east of England. There they would be playing a series of gigs all over the eUK. So the band of Vikings played their first gig in Kent, there they were very popular with the other Vikings, in fact Ragnor got a couple of loin cloths thrown at him. After the band had developed a strong-ish fanbase in Kent, they moved over west to Sussex, where there were a lot of Vikings, but also at that time a lot of Saxons.

The band's first gig in Sussex was played in Brighton itself, and all went well, despite the small turnout. Later that night the shattered band stopped to catch a few winks at a local inn. "Cor i'm shattered!" exclaimed Sven loudly and obviously, "Pass the drinking horn will ya!". Slowly the intoxicated company drifted off in their chairs, before they had even rented a room. However, the unsuspecting Vikings weren't suspecting...the unsuspectable Saxon Monk Mafia!

The rabble of Vikings woke up with blind-folds over their eyes. "You weren't suspecting the unsuspectable Saxon Monk Mafia were you now?" Croaked a voice that sounded suspiciously like chancellor Palpatine's...

Will Gali and co. escape?
Who has actually kidnapped them?
When will "Literally" be on the charts?

Find out in the next issue of... The adventures of Gali the Viking!

-Viking band goes to eUK
-Gets drunk
-gets kidnapped

A convenient map of Sussex