The 'New' UK President

Day 1,355, 00:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue

This article is on the 'new' President and what his policies for the UK include.

Daniel Thorrold, has been re-elected as the CP (Country President) of the UK. The direction of the country and to some degree the success of the UK depends on the policies he has for the UK. I urge everyone to work with the President, and I hope he works with everyone. The policies:

Foriegn Affairs

- The United Kingdom will not be withdrawing from Strasboug.

- Strasbourg is a NAP (Non-Aggression Pact).

- The UK is not prevented from signing MPP's with Strasboug's enemies, Strasboug nations are not prevented from signing MPP's with UK enemies.

- A proONE direction will continue.

- Ireland war is fun and will continue.

- The UK is involved in the Training War with Belgium and will, in time, NE Ireland.

- The UK - Belgium Training War will return if it continues to be successful.


- eUK website will be made, on it there will be an application form to join the eUK's military.

- The eUK website will have calculators to see damage done.

- 'Free taster' military supplies.

- Town Centre scheme, UKAF are helped with Q4 town centre requirements, MU soldiers helped with Q3 requirements.


- Mentoring scheme.

- The eUK is looking to get people to use real life money to make adverts.

- Twitter and UK forums will be used to recruit.

- 250 GBP if you bring someone to the game and get them on the external forum and IRC, another 250ish GBP if they are active.

- Mass PMing as much as possible.

- Articles will be released at least every 3 days (I particularly support this idea and the one below 🙂 )

- Articles from Daniel Thorrold ingame regularly and annoucements on the external forum everyday.

- eUK governement website, eUK government website, eUK government website. Everything will be linked to this and there will be room to hold referendums here.


- Allow for each person to make enough to fund their own expenses and companies.

- Grant scheme: for loans when making useful RM companies.

- Town Centre scheme to try to get all new players to upgrade their Town Halls as fast as possible.

- Look at gaining RM bonuses, though not if they endanger the UK's 'mini-empire'.


- Tweeks to military supply.

- Small amounts of funding to Military Units (MU's).

- Small adjustments to ensure that the monetary policies keep money in the UK tressuary.

All the above information was collected from Daniel Thorrold's manifestos here and here.

~ UK's finest