That old Balloon strikes again!

Day 885, 01:56 Published in Germany United Kingdom by Dncelyn

First off, before I write this article, I'd like to thank the Socialist Freedom Press for putting information about the Magic Hot Air Balloon in some of their articles! Keep up the good fight!

Now, as some of you may know, Russia has attacked Poland in two regions, Serbia and Hungary have attacked Croatia, and Romania is attacking Hungary. Why would these Mediocre Dunces do such a thing? They didn't!

Phoenix launches a major offensive on EDEN countries, or does it?

The Presidencies of these countries have been PTOed! By who, you ask? None other than the MAGIC HOT AIR BALLOON!

Yes, it seems that the Magic Hot Air Balloon has invaded the minds of several high ranking citizens! How could this atrocity have happened!?

I offer two explanations:

A, Spring. Warmth is returning to Europe, allowing the Magic Hot Air Balloon to once again latch her dirty tethers all over it!

B, Inaction by governments!
I have warned the governments of the world about this ultimate threat, and each time I do, it falls upon deaf ears! No more! If your government refuses to take action against the Balloon, then vote them out! We must do this! We cannot lose! We must not death!