Thanks for the memories

Day 2,125, 10:19 Published in USA USA by Shadow455

Due to real life reasons I no longer have the time left to play this game but before i slink into the shadows and leave the game completely I just wanted to thank some people who helped me out over the years. Without their help I would more than likely not be here today and I don't just mean the game.

First off a general thanks to the entire crimson order who have been a brotherhood to me in this game over the 4 years I've played the game without you guys and the community you provided i would of quit this game after a couple of months.

Special thanks to Homer J Simpson who despite having a ton of responsibilities both in game and real life was always willing to have a chat with me on irc or the forums and help me through my real life problems.

Also thanks to Lion el Johnson who despite being the same age as me was able to give me some great advice and is always willing to listen to others. He truly is wise beyond his years and a great bloke to banter with.

Another great guy to joke with is Gaugature who like Homer has a ton of responsibilities but is still willing to chat and lift your spirits. Also thanks to Damien Wolfe and Eric Last two great guys that do so much for the organization but also have time for each of its members individually.

Thanks to TemujinBC for all the laughs and whilst you got us all into trouble back in the day it was also the best fun I've had in this game standing besides you never change brother.

Also thanks to C.Buzz, Crisfire, Uncorporated and Jolabent for being awesome captains for me since I moved to Canada while my interest faded after the loss of the devils these two kept the legion doing fun things which kept me interested enough to continue two clicking.

Thanks to Diablo for being able to take a joke and give it back as well. Thanks to Dartreal for his comics which amused me over the years and helped keep me interested in the game as well as his willingness to chat on irc.

Thanks to Callumh123, Scottty and Henry the 8th for the laughs and fun times on the ausrep irc channel over the years.

Finally special thanks to Crusader Carl despite being originally in the ADF and a real life kiwi he is a champion bloke who always see's the goodness in people and has had my back in the game in the past at times not many people would have.

Also thanks to all my 'dead' friends from over the years and anyone else I missed I didn't forget you, I've just been inactive for a while and am unsure who still plays anymore and who is gone so I probably thought you were 'dead'.

To all my crimson brothers and sisters I once again say thank you and hope that you can continue to keep the organization and It's great sense of community alive. To everyone else i humbly suggest that if you want a sense of community and a bit of adventure in these dull times you sign up as a TCO member at the link below.
Sign up here

*NB I was going to put pictures in but the game wouldn't allow me to publish the version with pictures. (I love you admins)

TLDR: I'm Leaving the game but TCO is Awesome, CrusaderCarl is awesome, The boys and girls at ausrep on IRC are Awesome, The Dear Father is Awesome and you should join TCO.

Peace and Freedom Always,