Thanks for all the fish!

Day 2,543, 15:25 Published in Canada Canada by Vexing Chaos

Good evening eCanada,

No, I'm not leaving. Just love that line and wanted to put it into use now to throw you off. I wish to thank all that voted for me and my imperfect plan. I'd like to say it was quite fun even if I didn't win. I never thought I'd get as close as I did. I haven't been a CP in quite some time and was hesitant at first to try again after so much time off. I can honestly say I wouldn't have done it without the backing of the best damn party there is. The Canadian Progressive Front. One of the better parties in the entire game.

The Results:

Part Deux:

Another plan of mine was to make sure DMV3 wasn't elected or even place 2nd. Why? Well he let his words and actions explain why. I'm a pretty good judge of character and I can honestly say I'm shocked and appalled at what transpired during elections. I can take criticism and dish it out as well but I don't resort to the type of shenanigans he pulled. I can walk away with my head held high that I finished second and took the booby prize. Lord knows I love boobs.

If you didn't follow along with the election banter I can break it down quickly...

DMV3 ran me over with the bus that Xanderkross said I was riding in that Rylde may possibly have gotten a DWI while driving in search of James R Bond. Good? K.

National Update:

Currently we're still engaged in a war with eUK that I along with many of the other Congress members kept going since we're stubborn and we like communication more than our money apparently...

Deutschland is joining the fray and Rylde our recently neglected CP is looking to end the war with eUK and take the fight to the Krauts. I personally have no issues with Germany but will defend the homeland as always.

I'm 50/50 on whether I will run again next month. I'll probably know in the next week or two. If so I'll try my best to reach out to some people to see if they wish to join me and help put together a smashing good platform. I've had some of my most fun in this game in eCanada and I'm prepared to stay here for awhile. I only wish some people were still around to enjoy it with me.

Got Moose?!

I stand on guard for thee!


One for the ladies...