Thank You

Day 701, 18:10 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius

HUNGARY all your bases belong to us...well not really but still we have this 😁😁

Fight in Washington however only fight for wellness and exp. Do no use weapons unless you can afford it, save weapons for future battles

I'm not one for bragging, most of the time I'm cautiously broptimistic. However today's wins truly deserves the title of epic. A combined allied effort of proportions few can fathom. Today was a victory for the allies, the brolliance and neutral countries under PEACE's oppressive heel. But what would be an amazing win without the thank yous? Everyone helped but just to highlight some of the major players...

Our Allies: I wish i could list every allied soldier who fought down to 40 wellness for us but I can't. However we would not be anywhere without our allies. They sent every soldier (and tons of civilians) for us and for that we owe them more than words can describe. If anyone doubts the bond we share than this battle is the ultimate example of how close we are.

The US Military: The most dedicated group of men and women in this game. They are on at all hours ready to fight. They helped push the wall down last night and today they helped to do it again. A special mention to Leroy Combs, Harlot and Sukoidha who helped to coordinate all of our troops and soldiers a the cohesive fighting force. They spent countless hours today making sure our troops were ready for that final push. O7

Ligtreb and Chocolate Mcskittles: These guys honestly deserve a freaking congressional commendation. While others had their eyes pealed on Manitoba all day Ligtreb and Choc spent the whole day handing out weapons. This involved buying weapons or moving them from our skill zero hubs. Over one battle they managed to distribute 3k+ in weapons to at least 1 thousand citizens. You want to talk about hero's? These guys are gods. Every US citizen should send them a pm thanking them.

Hungary and PEACE: You gave us the best fight...ever As much as I hate you guys at times you are the best opponents ever. I look forward to the next big battles and hope you bring a couple more soldiers next time. Special shout out to Zoli who always keeps me occupied during these battles, best buddies?

YOU!!!: That's right well the US didn't do this alone every citizen certainly helped. Everyone who bought higher Q weapons, gifted friends and handed out free weapons of their own, helped make this victory happen. We need to keep it up though, the next big battle has to have the same response the same fanatical dedication to victory.

North Korea: This is less a thank you for fighting and more about how our ally is back on the map. I have proposed an MPP with them that should insure their continued safety and security.

-Gaius Julius
Proud Citizen even Prouder President