Thank You

Day 523, 10:14 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

I want to thank eCanada for voting me into congress today. I was up really late last night waiting for the results and I was ecstatic when I learned that I would be representing eCanada in congress in the April-May term. I want to thank the four people who voted for me, (other than myself) and if they would want to, they can send me a PM acknowledging they were one of the four who voted for me. I am extremely grateful to everyone and after a long run of campaigning, I have finally come out on top.

The elections weren't the easiest run for me. It started off great, I was one of the top runners with 4 votes at 10 AM EST and I was winning the Newfoundland and Labrador region by 3 votes. I was 100% sure that I would get elected into congress. Then, Frank Duper and maximillien started catching up and eventually Frank had tied me and maximillien was only one vote back. If maximillien could somehow get 2 more votes in about 8 hours, then he would have beat me out for congress and I wouldn't have achieved a wildcard position. At the end of the day, I got one more vote and he got none, allowing me to be elected into congress. I want to thank EVERYONE and especially the four people who voted for me, you have made my congressional dreams come true. My next goal is to start working on the 3 things I said would be my goals if elected. First off, I am going to be helping newcomers. After that, I will work on lowering import taxes and eventually try to make transparency a reality.

Lastly, I want to thank Tom Hagen and the Canadian Paradox Party for allowing me to run in their party. I have donated 1 gold to the CPP organization as requested by Tom. Thank you once again and without you guys, I could've never been elected into congress.

Thank you eCanada and I hope I will represent this country effectively and responsibly.

This is Derek Harland signing off.