Thank You Serbia from the eGerman President.

Day 783, 10:11 Published in Serbia Belgium by Konrad Neumann

Dear eSerbia

I want to thank you eSerbia for all of the aid you rendered to us in the past few days. We are fortunate to have such a great friend and ally on the battlefield. I want to take this time to thank you for all of the tanks and troops that fought as well as those who help with the evacuation of occupied Germany. We will never forget your generosity and comradeship and may our friendship and bond be everlasting.

eGermany as of now is still working on the evacuation. Many citizens are going to Russia and Hungary in which they can work, gain skills, and level up. Our military will continue to work with Phoenix and not we are totally mobile. I myself will help out in London or if there is another more pressing battle I will relocate there.

eGermany will continue to function. We are will in communication with each other and we will get our land back. Like I told the eGerman citizens, eGermany is within as well as without. EDEN conquered our lands which is the simple part. They can never destroy our identity and our resolve. Therefore do not despair my friends. We will be back.

Once again many many thanks eSerbia for all that you have done for us and this is far from the end. Just a new chapter in our history.

Long Live Phoenix
Long Live eSerbia
Long Live eGermany
Konrad Neumann