Thank You! o9

Day 2,379, 12:05 Published in Latvia Latvia by Prezidenta kanceleja

Hello, everyone!

Yesterday, after grueling 15 round and more than 26 hour battle, we gained the initiative against Colombians, and what came as a surprise decision for many, we started our battle right after the fight for Kurzeme, which gave us some surprisingly easy points before and during night, and in the end gave us some breathing space to close this battle a little bit easier, but yet, the victory came very hard. So now I am glad to say, that Colombia is no longer present in Europe!

And for this I have to thank everyone who participated in our battles! Thank you! Thank you to every country which gave us support, to every player who fough for us! Thank you to LucasFTM for helping us co-ordinate support and akuaba/TheUnit Yack for creating this crazy plan to attack during their prime time, which actually worked.

And then there is Lithuania... Friends, I can not explain in words how much I appreciate and how thankful I am for the support you gave us. You are our heroes! You are the epitome of a true friend! It is our honor to have so great neighbors and friends! I want to thank every Lithuanian for your support, but I must single out the support from TheUnit Yack and his crew – TheUnit, Lithuanian Shadows, akuaba, and iPSiArt especially for the timely support on battlefield. You guys are simply amazing, and I am honored that I can call you friends. Thank you! o9

Hail Sirius!
Hail Aurora!
Hail ProSirius!
Hail Lithuania!

Latvia salutes you o7

Best regards,