Thank you Macedonia!

Day 1,290, 12:16 Published in Egypt Croatia by Hajduk SpIit
Dear Macedonians!

First of all, I want to thank you for your generous and big help for Egypt and Egyptians! I can not describe the happiness and satisfaction with allies like you!

In my last article I praised you as allies, but I have to admit that you have even exceeded my expectations and helped us more than we had hoped. 😃

I don't know what words I would thank you for your help. We are still small and weak country, but I hope that we will return you this help one day.

Thank you for helping us liberate the Greek occupation and gave the freedom to our country, and you don't ask for anything in return because you are just what I told in my last article - the best and most loyal allies and the greatest player of this game!!

Everyone know that soon you will be the strongest and most powerfull country in eWorld and I'm glad that Egyptians will be with you on the battlefield to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and fight for you! o7

VOTE & SUB & SHOUT so everyone can see who and what Macedonians are!

Let our friendship lasts forever, my brothers!

please give sub to my dear friends! tnx in advance! 😉 - dear allies help Macedonia in this battle! They were always here for you, return them back now!
Before you start fighting for Macedonia, start listening this songs and fight vs greeks!!