Thank you for your votes! - Moving Forward to a Bright New Future

Day 1,588, 14:10 Published in Canada Canada by Wombatman25

Good day eCanada,

Sorry for the late article. I’ve been pretty busy this morning.

Thank you!
I would like to first of all thank everyone who voted for me. In the end, I received 21 votes and was 5th overall in the country.

I would also like to thank all those who have shown their support throughout my campaign! Thank you Ethel Rosenberg, J_Retief, Alpha Eagle, Homer J Simpson, Plugson, and many others!

Congratulations to all the other congressmen elected today. There are many new and old faces. This is good for eCanada. It brings stability along with new, dynamic ideas.

I believe that eCanada has learned several lessons today.

Platforms and hard work are important

- Many new people have been elected to congress. Many of those who were elected worked hard to promote their detailed platforms.

The positives and negatives of new players in congress

- I cannot overstate the importance of bringing fresh blood into congress. There are, however, negatives as well. As we saw with Darkham’s two proposals today, some new players are not suited for congress. I strongly believe that candidates should have 1 HW medal and 1 SS medal at least. This shows activity and a rudimentary knowledge of game mechanics.

The congressmen elected this term will face many challenges. The EPC remains a threat, the UK continues to wage war against us, our alliance remains unstable.

However, with hard work and dedication, eCanada will move forward into a bright new future.