Thank you eIreland

Day 1,467, 03:06 Published in Ireland Ireland by columbia

I belong to eIrish community since last July,I met many different people here and I thought this month was a good month to run for congress and help this country as much as I can.I didnt write any article to ask for votes neither I told anyone neither I made a shout so I wasnt so sure if I was about to win or not.
My surprise was big when i saw the results,not only I am in congress but I also was second in votes.
At that moment last night results were

so thank you all you voted for me yesterday and congratulation to new congress members.

But i don't like to say just a thank with words,I wanted to
do something for this,so I decided to give back a gift and the best way was to secure our victory in Wexford

941k vs 1.5 m damage

my total influence in this campaign was a little more than this

This was my gift to Ireland for those elections.

At least last night we showed that we are not afraid of Brits,thanks to excellent job of our CP,MoD,the MUS,our good allies and all those that helped we can win any time we want.

Hail Ireland o7