Thank You eCanada!

Day 929, 19:10 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn" />
Canadian Conduit - Presidential Address #1

Well, here I am - Prime Minister of eCanada. It's been a fairly eventful time for me recently: in a period of only 10 days I received my 1st Presidential medal, my 2nd Congressional medal and my 7th Super Soldier medal. Also in those 10 days I reached level 22 and 12 land skill. Lastly, my 500th birthday is on the 15th of June, a day before my irl 23rd birthday. I am both honoured and humbled by the veritable downpour of good things that have happened to me in the past little while - perhaps I have a little ekarma saved up. Anyway, enough small talk...

There are so many things to say and I'm not entirely sure which one to start with...oh wait, yes I am.

Thank you!

eCanada Drank the Cola and I couldn't be more proud. Now the real work begins. My first order of business - take a shower. I had hardly left the room all week, and needless to say I wasn't having to fight off the ladies when I went out for groceries." />

May was the term of the Polar Bear, June is the term of the Panther. Things are going to be a lot different this month, and I hope all my detractors will be pleasantly surprised." />

What I Learne😛

People love their hate-orade: I know I must be in office because people are already mad at me. Spencer Magee, who has apparently decided he needs to do more to cement his reputation as national buffoon, was offering bribes to congressmen to impeach the next President before the election was even over. Trenton Rendell, from whom I bought my first Q1 house when I was just an ebaby, has already declared that I will be a "failed" president. TemBC, who even though we haven't spoken much for the last couple months I would consider a friend, agreed. On election day, someone released an ad erroneously claiming that as MoC it was my fault the eCBC was compromised (even though it is the PM's duty to change/protect passwords, which I am doing for the new term), and it was posted as being created by a member of the TCO of which I am a former member (though Dycey assures me the TCO had nothing to do with it, and I believe her). Once you're in top spot, you get a lot of misplaced aggression pointed your way. I don't take offense to these things; if I did I'd be in the wrong profession. In fact, I see it as a challenge to win over the support of my doubters. It disappoints me that people I considered friends, or at the very least friendly acquaintances, would turn on me simply because I'm not in their party, but it doesn't surprise me. Now is where I do my best to win those people over." />

Clean campaigns are the bees knees!: I'm overjoyed to have had the pleasure of taking part part in a clean campaign. I've had the opportunity to speak with Addy at length on more than one occassion, and dare I say we've developed somewhat of a positive rapport. I realize the DAL and CPF are essentially the Montagues and Capulets of eCanada, but our Bromance knows I should quit before I get too deep into the Romeo and Juliet analogy. Well anyway, my point is that it has been an honour to take part in the June 5th election campaign.

Admins don't appreciate deadlines: I had a billion PM's yesterday, half of them saying "Why don't you have any goals?" I asked that same question to the admins several days before, because I set them on the 1st. Yet on the 3rd they magically disappeared even after they had been finalized. My ticket was "routed" and then nothing was done with it. Hurray!

V2 is closer than I thought: Like a prescient seer I predicted boldy that Day 1000 of the New World would usher in the era of V2. Now, as if to say "Hey Dade stfu!" the admins have announced that the V2 Migrations article will be out next week, and presumably V2 some number of weeks after that. There's now a better than slim chance that the winner of June's election will be the first President of the New New World. If this is the case, I can promise you I will lead eCanada into an age of golden new opportunities, and I will do so with honour. I have studiously obsessed over the coming of V2 for the last several months, so I can assure you I will pour all my efforts into understanding all the nuances of the new system.

I'd Like to Thank the Academy:

To Plugson: Who gave me the vote (documented and everything) which gave me a lead in the election I would not relinquish. It seems you have finally repayed the debt which began when I became your first ever subscriber. On my first articles you told me you'd stay a sub as long as I "kept things interesting". It seems things are going to be kept interesting for June at the very least. Thank you Plug.

To the DAL: Who have been the most supportive party I could have asked for. From Dr. Pain creating the fantastic Dade's Cola image, to the immense amount of footwork Chochi did to help arrange debates, to the verbal support from party pillars like CitB and Ayeshan, to the general feeling of home created by a welcoming community of DAL members - I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you.

To the parties who supported me: Who were an essential component of my election. The Socialist Party of eCanada got wholeheartedly behind my campaign and I can't say how much I appreciate their efforts. The T.N.S, who are small but have big ideas, threw their support behind me at the last minute. Lastly, of course, the UN. I'm honoured to have come to know many of your members better and you are some of the most active and thoughtful congressmen and citizens we have. It's in everyone's best interest to close the gap between French and English eCanadians, and I believe you are to thank for taking some important steps in this regard. To these 3 supporting parties: thank you.

To everyone who offered support without asking for a spot in Cabinet: I don't want to name any of these people because I'll undoubtedly forget a few. But everyone who offered support and asked nothing in return, thank you. This of course isn't to say I didn't appreciate the support of those people who did ask for a spot in Cabinet, I'm just indicating that it's a special kind of help when you offer it at no personal gain.

To Addy: Who was an honour to run against. The campaign bar has been raised. Other than a couple anomalies on each side, this was a completely clean campaign, and it was Addy who was the first to take that step. For that, and for agreeing to be my VP for the coming term, I owe him a tremendous thanks. He put a monumental amount of work into the campaign, and I know he's very disappointed right now. However, I also know he's going to be the best damn VP a guy could ask for. Thank you.

To the voters: Whom I have saved for last. You have put your trust in me to lead this country, and I would be ashamed if I squandered the chance to do something good with that trust. To all citizens, whether they voted for me or not, and to whom I would be nowhere without, thank you!

There are so many people I forgot to thank, but frankly I can't afford to spend any more time writing this article." />

Communication with the citizens is one of my biggest priorities, so watch for updates on the government's progress from your MoC Acacia Mason and from myself. In the meantime, feel free to PM me with questions or concerns. I promised I would be a leader of the people, and I don't intend on going back on that promise.

Thank you, eCanada.">