Thank you and Taxes

Day 1,744, 08:01 Published in Canada Canada by Chochi

Hello Canada!

Firstly, I want to thank everyone who voted for me in the recent elections.

Secondly, I would like to apologise for not having written a presentation before them or a thank you until now. Despite not knowing what it is I stand for and what I hope to accomplish this month in Congress, I still received a tremendous amount of support. I hope you don't regret it when you read the rest of this article.

The first group with voters remorse might be those who voted for me because I ran with the CPF. I'm actually an independent and was simply fortunate enough that the CPF allowed me to run in Ontario. Thanks again, CPF and especially Auk Rest for that opportunity.

The next group would be those who prefer low taxes. Personally, I'm for a moderate amount of VAT taxes, ideally somewhere around 10%-15% - compared to the maximum allowed of 25% - and minimal income taxes, preferably just 1%. I used to prefer a 1% import tax over 99% but I believe that the "recent" economic changes have made import taxes a complete non-issue. I don't plan on proposing a change in import taxes this month (though it might happen) but I will likely bring up lowering the income tax to 1% in our upcoming tax discussions.

As for VAT taxes, well I've just proposed raising the VAT tax on Weapons back up to 12%. They were lowered to 3% from 12% just a couple weeks back. This resulted in us losing a substantial amount of our tax revenue. It dropped from around 30,000 CAD a day to around 10,000 CAD a day. This lack of tax revenue has seen a delay, perhaps even a cancellation, of our budgeted transfer to MUs and precipitated a discussion on the future of funding.

I highly recommend that you get involved in these discussions. This is your tax money going to fund soldiers like you. Or not. Maybe you'd prefer to see no taxes and no funding. Either way, get writing. Write comments (below's a good place to start), write articles, write to your Congressmen. Talk about it with your political party and MU. Perhaps join the discussion that our Congress' Speaker Homer J Simpson started on the forums:

I could be wrong, but I think that Canadians by and large prefer that the government have some role in funding our MUs, in one form or another, and that they don't greatly mind paying some taxes in order for this to happen. That's why I expect that Congress will not decide to cut funding altogether and that it will view a subsequent tax raise as necessary to do whatever it is it decides it wants to do in the future. So, rather than waiting, I proposed that VAT tax raise (with the Speaker's permission, of course) so that when we have come to a decision we'll already have money to implement our future plans.

Well, once again I've written too much and not included enough pictures. If you have any questions of comments, please write them below or PM me and I'll try to get back to you quickly.