Thank You AAP

Day 362, 12:50 Published in USA Canada by Citizen HEM

Gah! I wrote this up really nice once, but then lost it because my sever went down. So apologies this isn't more epic!

Firstly, thank you AAP for re-electing me. I appreciate the confidence you have in my and my work hence far. I do want to annouce this will be my last consecutive term. I may run again in a few months, but after this term I will be taking a break.

Also, after speaking with Uncle Sam, he is more then happy to allow me to appoint a new Vice President. We both agree that he can accomplish everything he was doing for me before as a Senior Adviser to me. So, without further ado, I appoint Nathan Woods as Vice President of the AAP.

Also everyone. I know you tire of me saying this. But join the forums. Really.

We are having party elections there. If you want a position in the party you have to be on the forums and active there, otherwise communication is insanely hard.

Click Here to Join, Click Click Click! Then click Register, then fill out the form, then start posting! Click!

Thanks to everyone for their support,

-Citizen HEM