Thailand Downfall May become MALAYSIA's fault

Day 822, 14:47 Published in Malaysia Israel by pantherthug89

I was totally with all my heart against ever accepting peace with Indonesia and Im afraid many many nations may suffer because of what I believe was a false move...

For one the war gave us a highly effective strong defence in Southeast Asia with 20+ MPPs activated against Indonesia and nations like Thailand could have easily been aided and the Indonesians who we all know are incredibly power hungry and looking to return to its state of an empire. The only difference that peace proposal made was a very very small amount of gold in Indonesia's deep pockets and a small window of 24 hours for us to prepare which wouldnt be excessively neccessary as we would have 20+ MPPs ready and plenty of people online to pick up what has happened. Some may say that it improved our relations, but we all know our relations have not changed at all they still want our resources and now we have just basically f'd some of our support and potential blockers.

If Indonesia were to win the battle currently open and we still had that war open we could have pounded them as soon as they won and possibly safekeeped that region which is the only border region Indonesia has with Thailand. As simple as that we could keep Indonesia contained and protect our allies. Even if they punched through really hard we could still counter attack and actually have a chance at counter attacking effectively. Thailand may now be completely captured thanks to this false move that basically allowed Indonesia to reorganize an empire with absolutely no initial benefit for us besides a 24 hour frame for a battle to take place.

So what should we learn from this.... Discuss and look at the possibilities before we actually accept things. WAS THIS A MILITARY DECISION OR A POLITICAL ONE.... DID ANYONE ASK the MoD THE SETBACKS WHAT COULD POSSIBLY COME OF THIS... (didnt mean it in a mad way but to emphasis) I honestly cant believe no one at all recognized this and sent it around but really we just damned Thailand and possibly some other Sol nations, their blood seeps through the ground and occupation may be eminent because we made a false move, we can't stop them from taking over much of these nations now when before we could do it with such ease. The situation will most likely turn desperate when a steel wall of vast amounts of countries could be raised, Indonesia has shown one thing for certain though... They want Southeast Asia we had a strong chance to save her and even though we still have a chance im afraid the war will be rebooted again in not to much time and the only thing that would have changed from this war and the previous one is that our great neighbors may be occupied while Malaysia may become the final fortress against Indonesia and if Phillipines falls or maybe even is simply attacked our war games could be up in flames and our mighty defences we have will topple before us and we will be alone.

the only thing left we can do is fight....

LONG LIVE Malaysia
LONG LIVE Southeast Asia

Deputy Supreme Commander of Sol
Deputy Minister of Defence Malaysia