Day 466, 21:25 Published in Thailand USA by kristof von

Ok as i usually start of every thai word edition im going to be giving you the market breakdowns and everything else the economy has improved a great deal since the last time i made a thai edition the markets look stronger we've gained a few new citizens and the president have seem to be doing a really good job other than the little helping indonesia invade india thing. well here is the breakdown

*all past prices are in comparison from one month ago

fFood Fruity Oaty Bar 2.99 THB (down from 5.98 one month prior)

GIifts .Bl1nd Gifts 14.3 THB (down from 16.9😎

Weapons😛opo shotgun 30.00 THB (none available last month)

Plane tickets😕ow Cost Tickets 33.06 THB (down from 47.25)

Pattana Unity Party 55 (down from 66)

TNT - Thai Nation Together Thailand 43 (down from 5😎

Nationalist Party of Thailand Thailand 10 (new)

the Michael Lewis Fan Club Thailand 8 (new)

Thai Independent Party 5 (new)

Democratic People's Republic 3 (down from 6)

thailand Democratic Party 2 (steady)

1GOLD = 125 thb down from(240TH😎
1GOLD = 59.239 USD (down from68.9USD)
1GOLD = 51.456 RON(down from60.49 RON)
1GOLD =38.65 (down from 39 GBP)
1GOLD = 31.687 ESP(35.99 esp)

as i see it the thai economy has been doing much better though so has some of the stronger economies also i noticed political participation is down so are registered party members, i guess the people are just tired of politics as usual and on that note i would like to here and now anounce my candidacy for the presidenecy of etahiland i will tell you more about where i stand and what i intend to do when i have more time

so for now good luck and good night.