Texas Needs a Pig - for Diversity!

Day 1,404, 16:25 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

Vote for PigInZen in Texas

USA, it's a been long, long time but I know the fire of our love still burns as deeply in you as it does in me. So deeply in me that I've written an article and I haven't authored an article in the USA since Day 1,150. I *used* to be a prolific writer, issuing articles every day for months on end during my economics analysis period. The news system in eRep used to be much much more unifying and sadly it's not what it once was.

That's how much I love you, USA, I'm willing to write needless articles for your sheer enjoyment!

Why would you travel to Texas in the middle of constant war and drought? Well, let me start with some principles. These principles are stolen from my West Virginia campaign run way back in December of 2009. I haven't changed much, no...

1. Reputation is everything. If you're an asshole no one will want you around.
2. Stupid Politics is Stupid. This is a TEAM game and petty disputes get in the way of our collective effectiveness.
3. E Pluribus Unum: from Many, One. The eUS is much stronger when we encourage participation.
4. It's the Social, Stupid. The game is more fun when we're having fun together and getting to know one another.

My Agenda for the eUS is very simple:


Recruitment and increasing our population will solve many problems and increase the enjoyment of the game for eUS citizens. Recruitment is the key.

A Simple Task

PigInZen in Texas Under the USWP. Vote. Do the USA a favor.

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. SUPPORT THE CAUSE.