Ten Commandments of the Philippine Press Club

Day 751, 07:56 Published in Philippines Mexico by Philippine Press Club

And it came to pass that in that time, Ariel spake unto the Philippine Press Club, saying: Pssst!

And the Philippine Press Club, spake unto Ariel, saying: Huh? Who's that?

And Ariel said, I am the Spokesperson of the Philippine Press Club, and he spoke all these words, saying:

1. Thou shalt not have any other spokespersons before me (except the deputy spokesperson, and unless I resign or we set up a new organizational structure).

2.Thou shalt subscribe to one another.

3. Thou shalt vote one another's articles.

4. Thou shalt write and publish at least one article every week.

5. Honor thy motherland, the Philippines.

6. Thou shalt have a catchy tagline.

7. Thou shalt place the words [size=10]MEMBER: PHILIPPINE PRESS CLUB[/size] beneath thy newspaper's tagline.

8. Thou shalt not use the words [size=10]MEMBER: PHILIPPINE PRESS CLUB[/size] anywhere in thy article if it is a government announcement or official communique.

9. Thou shalt place the words [i][size=11]This is a Philippine Press Club syndicated article. [url😞URL of original article here)]Click here[/url] for original version.[/size][/i] in the beginning of thy syndicated article (unless it's a government announcement or other official communique).

10. Thou shalt place the words [size=11]Source: [url😞URL of original article here)]😢title of sourced newspaper here)[/url]. Republished with permission.[/size] ar the bottom of thy syndicated article.

And the Philippine Press Club rejoiced and did shout with a loud voice, saying: The grace of Ariel is as boundless as the rays of the sun!





December 10, 2009