Ten Bylaws of the Brotherhood of the S.E.E.S.

Day 859, 20:43 Published in USA USA by S.E.E.S

1. Do not talk about S.E.E.S.


3. Be a brother to your ally and be a demon to your enemy. With your allies, always treat them as a brother- you never double-cross a brother, you never let him down. With your enemies, make them regret ever having crossed your path. Hound them like a dog out of hell, and never let up. Always bite to break skin, and never show mercy. Mercy is weakness, and a clever enemy will take advantage of it.

4. Don’t be an idiot. We all like to have fun, which is what The Game is all about, but never put having a good time or getting a cheap laugh over accomplishing your goal or the security of our nation. We are elite in every way, be it in game knowledge, html knowledge, or general cleverness. Don’t give us a bad name just because we know how to have a good time.

5. Always follow chain of command. Our trusted leaders are our leaders because they know what they’re doing. There is always a plan afoot, and you may be placed as a pawn without knowing why. There is always a reason for everything.

6. Always contribute. You’re expected to vote and move as ordered for the greater good of the party, and we take census several times a week to know who is capable of what. If you are not willing to contribute to the party or the country, then you’re dead weight. Why would you play this game if you don’t want to contribute?

7. Communication is key. If you feel that the party is not working out for you, tell us why. This is a growing organization, we’re still putting it together, and we’re always open to good ideas. Alternatively, if you want to put some work into our effort, let someone know. This is the entire purpose of blocs. We have a chain of communication to make sending messages between leadership and membership easy, so use it to your advantage. You know that we do.

8. Praise Dio. Every. Day.

9. You are an angel, and I love you. Know that, and never forget.

10. Number ten.