Temporary Swiss Ministry of Defence under the leadership of HuCard

Day 1,288, 07:09 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Order of Rhenus

(Deutsche Fassung hier: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/provisorisches-schweizerisches-verteidigungsministerium-unter-leitung-hucards-1787089/1/20 )
(I am using this news paper of my last remaining organisation since I currently have Canadian citizenship and am thus unable to publish articles in Switzerland. As soon as I become Swiss again or am handed the official Ministry of Defence after the elections, I will switch to a different newspaper.)

I, HuCard, hereby announce my unilateral proclamation as Swiss Minister of Defence.
The reasons that justify this rather insolent step are manifol😛 The position of MoD has, after the resigning of Thetis, been vacant for weeks and our president is nearly completely inactive; I have been the de facto leader of the Swiss military operation for a couple of days now, am in a constant and lively exchange with all Swiss military units and accepted by them, and the main contact person of LUNA and Italy, with whom I have been in almost permanent contact and cooperation for days, and by whom I was accepted as the Swiss military commander without any problems.
My legitimation should not pose any problems wither—Penguin4512, the presidential candidate of the SRC, has already nominated me as his future Minister of Defence, and the same will be the case of the (possible) SNP candidate. Therefore I would be guaranteed to be officially confirmed as MoD after the next elections, regardless of who will win them.

My motivation for this step is that I have been lacking the necessary authority, as I have been working without any office and basically as a civilist up till now. Furthermore, we currently lack a means of communicating with the civil society of Switzerland (which, however, should be rather small seeing the popularity of Military Units). Both of these issues I wish to fix with this.

Now a few general things:

I will use this newspaper for the release of orders.

It must be mentioned however that—in order to not inform the enemy in advance—I will never call upon the Swiss to prepare themselves and to wait for orders. I expect this behaviour to be followed at all times, without any preceding instructions. We are currently in a heated phase, and even on days when there are no rebellions in Switzerland or in Italy, LUNA is present on many front, all of which might require support on a moment’s notice.
Whenever the order to fight is given, please push the bar to above 53% – 55%, but cease fire afterwards and don’t attack until it falls below this value again.

In the past few days we have achieved many successes Svizzeria Italiana was liberated with the united forces of LUNA and of Italy (who, as had been previously discussed between us, rose up simultaneously and successfully in Friuli-Venezia Giulia) two days ago, and yesterday Italy—with the notable support of Swiss units, spearheaded by the Sons of Anarchy, as well as LUNA forces—could secure another victory in Emilia-Romagna. And Austria successfully conquered Carinthia from Slovakia just now!

The current frontiers of LUNA are Austria, which is (successfully) defending their sovereignty against Slovakia; Israel, which is fighting a pre-negotiated resistance war in Jerusalem (which had indeed been agreed on previously, but where some resistance by dissidents is to be expected nonetheless; should it become critical, Switzerland and LUNA would be at Israel’s side immediately though); Ireland; and Malaysia, whom Indoneisa is currently declaring as their Natural Enemy; and, of course, Italy.

Please subscribe to this newspaper. For reasons of secrecy, commands will only be issued after a battle has already begun, but I can assure you that all Swiss Military Units as well as our allies will always be informed well in advance.
For today, our focus is Ireland. If possible, please move there and support our LUNA allies in their struggle against the United Kingdom; but only fight whenever the bar drops below 53%!
But, of course, the orders of the commanders of your Military Units (if any) are to be waited for and to be obeyed closely above anything else.

HuCard, Swiss Minister of Defence and self-proclaimed Grand Admiral of the Swiss Navy