TDE | Printing Press for Victory!

Day 5,619, 18:12 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy

Good afternoon, and welcome back to another edition of the Daily Exclaimer, where I keep you informed. This edition, we will discuss this, the media.

We are at war. Yes - with other countries in the endless eCycle of global conflict. But thankfully, our military is perhaps the best in the world. Our generals are for sure second to none.

No, we are at war with inactivity. Go to almost any other country's media sections, you're lucky if you see one article a week. Countries die when their community falls into inactivity. Communities fall into inactivity when there is nothing to do. No man is an island, and to have a thriving community is to have a thriving free press. To make the eUSA phenomenal, we need to revive the sprawling media-industrial complex of old. From gossip columns, to military reports, to political opinion pieces - anyone and everyone can contribute the ammunition necessary to win the war on inactivity.

Rev up your media empire, write about the latest elections, tell me your favorite IRL Mac and Cheese recipe, rant about eReligions (Zamummel will be back baby), or anything in-between.

The printing press is perhaps just as important as the Q5 weapons factory. President Custer is doing well in revitalizing the media through State Sponsored Propaganda™. But we need you, the independent media outlet, the man on the street with his ear to the ground.

If you believe in winning the war on inactivity, I want to see you commenting "o7" below.

Lets. Freaking. Go.

Together, we can make a difference.


Government sponsored PSA below: