TCO: is it for you?

Day 1,559, 02:04 Published in Australia Australia by Gabriel Santar

I'll say this first: I wouldn't be playing eRep still if I wasn't in TCO. I'm getting something out of the game because I have them to talk to, to compete against and get tanks from, and I can come up with ever more inventive ways to get fellow Crimson people off our very battered hill (also known as Homer's bald head 😉 ).

Basically we're open to people who are in countries allied to Canada, which includes Australia. It's pretty easy to get in, and then we give you your heart's desire (hopefully your heart's desire is tanks and hot chicks). We have comps where you can win stuff, we can help you if you're hungry or even if you need a company, and we'll even let you post embarrassing pics of our leaders (cue evil laughter). You can even take on some reponsibilities if you want and become an officer in our glorious Legions, whether you are relatively new (like me) or not.

Our website is, and for regular infusions of Crimson hotness sub to crisfire's newspaper, Crimson Salty Balls. And you can always message me.

Regards, Lt Gabriel Santar, 2iC 6th Legion