TC Tales of the Dead: killerballerina

Day 1,034, 21:17 Published in USA USA by Synesi

Killerballerina had one of the most harrowing and heart wrenching accounts of The Dead Rising. Thinking us all dead, she went on her own trying to outrun the outbreak. In the end, the despair overwhelmed her.

Lt. Gen. Morrigan Alexandros

The Diary of Killerballerina

Well as we all know possibly the saddest way that one can dies is at the hands of a Zombie. We who have mastered the helicopter, the tank and guns (both big and small) taken out by a zombie? That is a very, very sad thought.

I didn't want to be one of those sad people who succumbed to the Zombies (Tim and Ethan I have to lol a little at your fate.) I wanted and needed to live. This is my story, the story of a survivor so far. A diary of sorts, I suppose.

Day One:
10:00 Something is up, I don't know what it is, Cannon is acting sort of weird, he went out earlier. I don't know what's wrong, he has some odd marks on his forearm, almost like he was bit. I'm on guard, but nothing yet to cause real terror.

15:30 I know what it is, I've heard of it, but I didn't really think it was out there; Solanum Virus, he's out for brains. LT Cannon is a Zombie. the bite marks are probably how he was infected. WAIT, oh God that means there's more out there! actually I haven't seen LT Ethan lately. This is the time to prepare, there is only one, confirmed that is, though I suspect a second, maybe more. To start I need to be vigilant, infection is rapid, contact with blood or saliva from an infected or an insect bite from something that has bit an infected person is possible, as is being bit by a zombie.

18:00 Mass Attack in 30 minutes, now is the time to slip away into the night. everyone else is pre-occupied and I am ready to go out on my own. Survival is the only acceptable ending.

Day Two:
6:00 I am in a secure location for now, it is isolated, but this sky scraper is safe, it has light barricades for now, I'll work on fortification later. My inventory is light. canned food is too heavy, I left it behind I have ramen to last for a month. I have fire-starters, a kettle for water and a pouch to carry safe water in. I have a shotgun, a rifle and a chainsaw with me as well as extra shots. I have grenades and other makeshift explosives and most importantly a radio and a laptop. I am ready to survive.

12:00 I will stay here until I have reason to believe it isn't secure, the area is secure and fortified heavily, I can escape if need be. But in case this falls into the wrong hands I won't describe here. The military has been infiltrated, I am alone.

20:40 I can hear noises in the distance, I remember my military friends and say a quick prayer for their safety. I hope someone found my note.

Day Three:

5:00 Sleep did not come easily. I stand at my post and wait. I see movement in the distance, they are coming, only one or two, but this location will not be secure for long. I thank god for my training sessions as a rifle-woman with Lana, my fitness has never been better and I can nearly run a marathon. Lets see an artilleryman or tank or helicopter operator do that. I rely on myself.

17:00 There is a swarm out there, I'm killing them as quickly as possible, but they are countless, I recognize LT Cannon in the crowd as well as many of my old friends, But now is not the time to reminisce. I set off my first trap, a web of explosions 1 kilometer out, most of them fall, they are dead, the rest I wait to approach to take out with my rifle.

18:00 They are dead, I descend from my tower, much like Rapunzel, a rope dropped from a window, there will be no return to this place. I am careful and shoot any zombie that is still twitching with my shotgun. My heart wrenches when I find Morning Alice and SharkJuggler among the corpses, I do not see Morrigan, Bia or Admiral Quasar and hope that they are out there somewhere, tonight when I am re-established I will see if I can make contact with anyone.

23:30 I found a vehicle, I have changed my position 100 miles north east. The countryside will be safer I hope. There is no human contact, only distress signals pleading for help. It is too late. I am in an abandoned barn, it is not ideal, but it will suit for now.

Day Seven:
8:00 After several days I have reached a new safe house, I had made contact with Bia, but since then the channel has been dead I fear the worst. My body count soars, nearly 1000 dead by my hands. The carnage is unbelievable. There is no time to bury the dead, When I can they are burned. I pray that this time will come to pass me by.

Day 12: My watch has died it is after nightfall, I made contact with Admiral Quasar and Morrigan, they are travelling together and are close to my location. We did not know each other's exact position. I hear screams in the night, the radio goes dead.

Day 13: I killed them, there was no other option. I have no friends nor family left. I am alone, darkness overtakes me.

Day 22: No contact for 10 days. I have killed even more. There is no hope left. I am the lone survivor. They are closing in, like moths drawn into a flame. The last stand of the eUS military is here. I will fight to the death. I will not join them.

Day 22: It is over, I was finally caught, my skin is blemished by countless wounds, my blood is mixed with theirs. I will not last long. I am surrounded by death. I will cover myself and the ground around me in gasoline. I will fire the shotgun and I will end my existence. I will not succumb. To the one who finds this diary remember me, a survivor to the very end of our kind.

This is Captain killerballerina signing out.
The End

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