TC Fiction [Part 5. The Finale]

Day 1,280, 22:37 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons

United States Training Corps Circulation

Location: Indo camp
Time: 13:00
3rd Division

I ran up the hill to where the others were sniping. They all got up and began to fire from the hip. We all fought hard…but the day ended in us retreating. As we moved up to our humvees the radios started going off about launch warnings. Adam yells back “WHAT DO YOU MEAN LAUNCH WARNINGS!!!” as the chatter continued. We got in and took off. Rawro pushed the laptop to me I opened it and listened to the chatter as I looked up orders from the front. I looked at the screen and read the warnings, I switched channels to Raveenas humvee and told her to look at the screen while I shared the screen…They are launching an offensive…a nuclear one. I could hear bombers and copters in the distance. I yelled loud enough so everyone could hear as I pulled up maps and GPS on the laptop. I searched the nearest towns through previous ariel maps and radiation scans. I found a bunker in Kansas city so I shared my screen and coordinates as I yelled “WE NEED TO GET TO KANSAS CITY…OR WE ALL BITE THE BULLET!!!” Adam turned to me and smiled as he opened up on the throttle as did Raveena, I kept searching maps and scans as well as sattilite views…It was showing it to be a ghost town, not many people moving about on the streets, many were held up in the Churches and on the roads out of town. I looked up projected paths of the bombs…Topeka was the closest one to the site…this was bad…very bad.

We kept on through gaining the attention of the locals as we came in. We pulled up to the City Hall as people poured around us, at least 50 men, women, and children. We piled out as Adam and Raveena went in to inspect me and Rawro stood on the tops of the vehicles and starting to inform the city people of the impending attack as I heard trucks rolling up..Indos “EVERYONE INSIDE!!! ChooChoo and Bob get on the rooftop on the drugstore! Rawr lets go!” I yelled out as I mounted the 50 cal. Machine gun as the civilians entered the building. Adam and Raveena came out, I turned to them and yelled “Get the gear inside and get everyone in the shelter… We got trouble!” They understood and grabbed all they could as the Indos skidded to a halt. About 70 men piled out of the truck and more were behind them…we were outmaned…and out gunned as RawrO yelled “FIRE!!!” We unloaded, we unloaded everything we had as a bomber flew overhead…it scared them so bad the remaining Indos retreated as a crate fell at the City square. RawrO ordered Bob and Choochoo to retrieve the package as me and RawrO scouted and gathered supplies when she turned to me after we gathered almost an entire humvee full “Why do we need so much?” I turned to her and looked down at my watch as the ground started to shake “The blast radius is going to be large. We will be out of contact and without aid for some time. We need to protect these people and prepare for the fallout and getting communication back up as soon as its done.” Then I looked out the window…the mushroom cloud rose in the distance…Topeka was no more…

Before we move on I would like to say I am a proud member of the USWP Zombie Horde and the Writers Guild. This Publication is endorsed and sponsored by its members and I hold up the integrety of my writings.

We arrived as ChooChoo just got through loading up the surplus “What was in the crate?” I asked, Choo smiled and said with a grin “Medical, Ammo, Rations, and 15 AR’s sir!” as we backed up and unloaded the remaining supplies I could hear the trucks coming again. “Rawr get down there and get ready…I will be there in a few.” She looked concerned but I reached into my bag in the back and took out 8 C4 packs…Choo Rawr and Bob ran downstairs to the shelter as I attached the explosives and set the charges and I stuck one to the accelerator and threw it into drive. The Humvee took off and as soon as it reached the first waves trucks I detonated the charges and ran like a bat out of hell!...I will never forget the sounds of the men screaming that day…ever.

This is not the end of the series...It shall be back with a new season very soon. See you all then.

This was a publication based of off members inside the United States Training Corps. If you liked this and you are new to the game. Join we would love to have you.